Shazhou Youhuang: A Cultural Park Infused with Heritage and Innovation

Senem Cennetoglu's Award-Winning Design Celebrates Chinese Yellow Rice Wine Tradition

Shazhou Youhuang, a cultural park designed by Senem Cennetoglu, is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern elements that pays homage to the heritage of Chinese yellow rice wine. The project, located in Zhangjiagang, China, is a testament to the designer's ability to create a space that is both a cultural and architectural landmark.

The inspiration for the design came from the desire to protect and showcase the history, culture, and production techniques of the Su tradition of yellow rice wine. Cennetoglu's design is a contemporary interpretation of this tradition, rich with heritage and poetic nostalgia. The park serves as a cultural and scenic spot, bringing together generations of people to celebrate this unique aspect of Chinese culture.

What sets Shazhou Youhuang apart is its strategic location along the Yangtze river, 90 minutes away from Shanghai. The park is adjacent to an existing factory complex, and the new plan includes facilities that serve production while also becoming an architectural landmark. The design combines elements of Jiangnan architecture with modern Chinese abstractions, creating a leisurely environment that is both an industrial tourism destination and a commercial street with modern cultural functions.

The project covers a new construction area of 24,000M2, housing a museum, wine aging warehouse, workshops, traditional wine village exhibition, restaurants, retail shopping, exhibition display, tourism functions, and a library. The design is a perfect blend of form and function, with each element serving a specific purpose while also contributing to the overall aesthetic appeal of the park.

One of the main challenges of the project was to create an architectural benchmark for the industry, which was historically known for sprawling warehouses and disconnected buildings. Cennetoglu's design reflects the memory of the iconic walls inspired by the historic hui style houses, water features, landscape elements, lane dimensions, exterior facades, and roofing details, all reminiscent of the Jiangnan old town characteristics.

Shazhou Youhuang is a testament to Cennetoglu's design prowess, having been awarded the Golden A' Construction and Real Estate Projects Design Award in 2023. The award is granted to outstanding creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

In conclusion, Shazhou Youhuang is a cultural park that beautifully encapsulates the heritage of Chinese yellow rice wine. It is a space that brings together tradition and innovation, creating a unique experience for visitors and setting a new standard for architectural design in the industry.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Senem Cennetoglu
Image Credits: All images: Curtesy of Shazhou Youhuang Cultural Industry Development Co., Ltd. and All images: Photographer Aaron&Rex
Project Team Members: Senem Cennetoglu
Project Name: Shazhou Youhuang
Project Client: Senem Cennetoglu

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