Spicy Shrimp Soybean Sauce: A Packaging Revolution

Wei Li's Award-Winning Design Marries Sustainability and Aesthetics

Wei Li's Spicy Shrimp Soybean Sauce packaging, a Golden A' Packaging Design Award winner, redefines the market with its eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing design. This article delves into the inspiration, unique properties, and realization technology of this innovative design.

Wei Li's design inspiration for the Spicy Shrimp Soybean Sauce packaging was a departure from the rigid machine production packaging. The design aims to evoke a sense of joy akin to going down to the river and touching shrimps, a return to nature's simplicity. The packaging's warm and authentic feel is a stark contrast to similar products in the market, aiming to transport the environment back to a simpler era.

What sets this design apart is its commitment to the environment. Unlike other shrimp pastes with strong and prominent colors, this packaging adopts the expression of primitive nature and a 'Back to Basics' approach. The outer packaging uses a calligraphy shrimp character, and the inner jar label is a simple line drawing. The entire package is free of non-degradable plastic, reducing harm to rivers and soil and contributing to a reduction in food pollution.

The design realization technology is equally impressive. The absence of non-degradable plastic not only reduces environmental harm but also enhances the product's sustainability. This approach also serves to awaken people's awareness of environmental protection.

The design specifications are 75x75x255mm. The packaging was created using basic color matching and original techniques, with the aim of raising consumer awareness of eco-friendly packaging. The design process involved the use of Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator software.

The project, which started and ended in Shenzhen between March and May 2020, faced challenges in packaging structure and material. However, Wei Li's design overcame these hurdles to create a product that is not only environmentally friendly but also aesthetically pleasing. The design's success is evident in its accolade - the prestigious Golden A' Packaging Design Award in 2023.

In conclusion, Wei Li's Spicy Shrimp Soybean Sauce packaging design is a testament to the possibilities of marrying sustainability and aesthetics. It serves as an inspiration for future designs, proving that eco-friendly practices and appealing design can coexist harmoniously. This design is a step towards a future where environmental consciousness is at the forefront of product design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shenzhen Orange One Dvertising Desing
Image Credits: picture#1:designer Wei Li,Spicy shrimp soybean sauce,2020 picture#2:designer Wei Li,Spicy shrimp soybean sauce,2020 picture#3:designer Wei Li,Spicy shrimp soybean sauce,2020 picture#4:designer Wei Li,Spicy shrimp soybean sauce,2020 picture#5:designer Wei Li,Spicy shrimp soybean sauce,2020
Project Team Members: Designer:Wei Li
Project Name: Spicy Shrimp Soybean Sauce
Project Client: Shenzhen Orange One Dvertising Desing

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Spicy Shrimp Soybean Sauce IMG #5

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