Ride on the Right Track

Social Media Campaign

As the world emerges from the pandemic, sustainability has become a top priority for governments and corporations. Momentum is a company that recognizes the importance of making eco-friendliness accessible to consumers through simple, achievable steps. Momentum aims to change perceptions of needs and behaviors and foster conversations among friends about environmental efforts to drive collective impact. Momentum's design and communication strategy employs organic illustrations, green elements, and friendly messaging to make sustainability inviting and approachable.

Momentum is committed to empowering consumers to contribute to sustainability through education and practical tools. We aim to create a collective impact on the world by encouraging small actions that compound over time. Momentum uses organic shapes, green elements, and friendly messaging in its design and communication to make sustainability accessible and inviting. Building a more sustainable future, one pedal at a time.

To capture the warm and inviting essence of spring and Earth Day, we have incorporated plant-inspired imagery and a green color palette into our design. We have opted for organic illustrations, friendly infographics, relatable storytelling, and attractive call-to-actions as our primary visual elements. These illustrations make the design more approachable and eye-catching and align with our environmentally friendly ethos.

To engage our younger target audience, we have devised a multi-faceted campaign that includes infographic fun facts, Instagram/Facebook story stickers, a live stream event, and a filter to promote environmentally conscious actions.

Our campaign promoted green lifestyles through habit-building and daily actions. We partnered with Brooklyn Grange and hosted social media events promoting greener transportation methods and urban farming. We also created an Instagram/Facebook filter to encourage green actions. Our multi-faceted approach engaged everyone who wanted to participate on various platforms and inspired positive behavior change toward a sustainable future.

The project started in April and ended in May 2022 in North America and Europe. We conducted extensive research to understand our audience and promote eco-friendly practices effectively. We developed a comprehensive understanding of the market by analyzing macro-trends, micro-trends, competitor outlooks, and consumer trends. We have also conducted several interviews and UX fieldwork to understand user insight. Our campaign content resonated with consumers by approaching sustainability in a more accessible and fun way.

We conducted A/B testing and found that graphics and illustrations led to a better response than scenario photos. We designed interactive and creative content that utilizes these elements to stimulate positive consumer engagement. The main visual elements of the campaign were activated across multiple social media formats, maintaining a user-friendly approach.

Copyrights belong to Momentum Bike, 2023.

This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Advertising, Marketing and Communication Design Award in 2023. Bronze A' Design Award: Bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: RedPeak Global
Image Credits: Image Credits: Primary Image: Model - Jared Chiou Optional image 1: Model - Tina Feng, Jared Chiou, Stacey Yu Optional image 2: Model - Stacey Yu Optional image 3: Model - Jared Chiou Optional image 4: Model - Tina Feng Client: Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Agency: RedPeak
Project Team Members: CEO: Silvia Yu Creative Director: Chris Chung Senior Account Manager: Anew Yu Hsin Lin Senior Strategists: Marco Negri, Lucas Willery Senior Designers: Tai Yuan Chiou, Chien Chun Feng
Project Name: Ride on the Right Track
Project Client: RedPeak Global

Ride on the Right Track IMG #2
Ride on the Right Track IMG #3
Ride on the Right Track IMG #4
Ride on the Right Track IMG #5
Ride on the Right Track IMG #5

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