Animate: Vibrant Cat Food Packaging Designed for Curious Cats

A Unique and Colorful Approach to Cat Food Packaging

Cats are the world's most curious animals, they love to explore things. That's why we came up with vibrant macaron colors, just like a joyful playground exclusively for cats. Here, they can enjoy their life with natural ingredients.

Animate, designed by Hsiaojou Huang, is a cat food packaging that takes a unique and colorful approach to attract both cats and their owners. Unlike traditional cat food packaging that features real photos of cats, Animate uses strong and vivid contrasting colors and illustrations to differentiate the formulas and even the suitable cats range. This design choice makes it easier for buyers to quickly identify their needs.

The packaging is made of a non-transparent aluminum bag, which helps maintain the kibbles' freshness after opening. Parts of the package are designed with transparency, allowing the inner vibrant color to shine through the metallic aluminum foil bag. This combination of materials and design elements creates a visually appealing and functional packaging solution.

With Animate, the designer aims to cater to cats' curious nature and love for exploration. The macaron-colored packaging not only catches the eye but also contains natural ingredients that promote a cat's overall health and well-being. By using bold and vivid color illustrations, Animate stands out from other cat food products on the market, offering a unique and visually appealing option for pet owners.

The design of Animate was not without its challenges. Due to the color differences between screens and printed materials, the designer took extra care in selecting the colors to ensure they accurately represented the intended vibrancy and contrast.

This project was started in July 2022 and was showcased to the public in December 2022 in Taiwan. Animate is the result of extensive research into cats' postures and preferences, with each formula carefully matched to a specific color. The packaging design reflects the commitment of Yin Bao Pet Health Enterprise Co., Ltd. to providing a healthy diet for pets.

Animate has received recognition for its innovative design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade that recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations. This award highlights the integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world for pets and their owners.

With Animate, pet owners can now choose a cat food packaging that not only meets their pets' nutritional needs but also adds a touch of vibrancy and joy to their daily lives.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hsiaojou Huang
Image Credits: Yin Bao Pet Health Enterprise Co., Ltd./ Lucky Chihao photography studio/ Ponde, Pocky, Poppy and Gummy
Project Team Members: Hsiaojou Huang
Project Name: Animate
Project Client: Hsiaojou Huang

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