Angela Spindler's Argan Life: A Masterpiece of Sustainable Packaging Design

Winner of the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2023, Argan Life showcases innovation in sustainable packaging.

Angela Spindler's Argan Life is a unique skincare packaging design that combines sustainability, creativity, and functionality. Inspired by Moroccan geometric tile patterns and architecture, this design stands out for its innovative use of a single-size tube for different-sized products.

Argan Life is a skincare range that required a packaging solution that was both sustainable and economical. The challenge was to accommodate different product sizes within a single packaging size. Angela Spindler, the creative director and designer behind this project, ingeniously solved this problem through clever internal cardboard engineering.

The design draws its inspiration from Morocco, the origin of the product. The familiar geometric tile patterns of Moroccan architecture provided a strong graphic pattern that was echoed across the range for a cohesive pack architecture. The soft color palette is reminiscent of the colorful yet parched Moroccan buildings, adding an element of cultural authenticity to the design.

The cardboard tubes were printed offset with two spot colors plus black, a spot UV gloss, and an all-over aqueous satin varnish. The internal mechanics were die-cut only. The labels, printed in two colors with an all-over satin aqueous varnish, were secured by an adhesive sticker. This design was realized in China, with the project taking three months in design and two months in production.

Argan Life is not just a testament to Spindler's creativity and design prowess, but also her commitment to sustainability. The use of a single-size tube for different-sized products was a strategic decision made for economical reasons, showcasing the designer's ability to balance aesthetics, functionality, and cost-effectiveness.

This design was recognized for its excellence and innovation with the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2023. The award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that exhibit outstanding expertise and innovation. Argan Life, with its strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, certainly fits this description.

In conclusion, Angela Spindler's Argan Life is a shining example of sustainable packaging design that successfully combines aesthetics, functionality, and economy. It serves as a benchmark for future designers aiming to create sustainable and innovative packaging solutions.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Angela Spindler
Image Credits: Angela Spindler
Project Team Members: Angela Spindler: Designer/Creative Director
Project Name: Argan Life
Project Client: Angela Spindler

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