Home Exhibition: A Curatorial Showcase of Art and Design

An Elegant House by Chenping Chi

Incorporating art collections into residential spaces

If we say that "homestead" is a container of the body, a projection of the self, a mirror image of the soul, and a field for perceiving the inner world, then, for collectors, the home is also a place for artistic exploration and experimentation, which carries the grandeur and subtlety of personal aesthetics. Each collection and its owner constitute a "curatorial exhibition of the home."

In this five-story single-family villa designed by Chenping Chi, more than 100 art collections from over 70 artists, including Enrico Bach, Kitti Narod, Shang Yang, Mao Xuhui, Yin Chaoyang, and Yan Shilin, are showcased. These collections span time and space, connecting and interacting with past civilizations, stories, and lifestyles with the present. The designer spent three years sculpting this "Elegant House," adding interest and surprise to the spatial creation, carefully telling stories about structure, light, perception, and spirit.

Entering the space on the two underground floors of the villa is like visiting an art museum. The background color, with white as the main tone, is interspersed with black geometric structures, and the curved wall contour breaks the square, as if also implying a design metaphor that breaks through boundaries. The total residential area is 1200 square meters.

Designer Chi Chenping's vision for the "Elegant House" goes beyond mere aesthetics. First, he considers the practicality and comfort of life, and then presents the spiritual light of art. The design aims to create a multi-functional space for display, life, appreciation, and entertainment. In the future, the space can also be used for private wine tasting salons and events, showcasing its inclusiveness and adaptability.

Throughout the design process, there were challenges to overcome, including meeting the detailed presentation requirements of the client. However, through the designers' familiarity with the construction process and their dedication to continuous optimization, the project successfully integrated the vision of both the designers and the clients.

In this "Elegant House," art and life, tradition and modernity, listening and expression coexist harmoniously. The curated art collections and the thoughtful spatial design present the mysteries that exist in art one by one, allowing the natural arrival of truth, goodness, and beauty through the exploration of multiple possibilities.

This remarkable design, showcased in Zhuji, Zhejiang, China, was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2023 for its outstanding creativity and resourcefulness. The "Elegant House" exemplifies the best practices in art, science, design, and technology, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chi Chenping
Image Credits: Image #1:Photographer Liu yujie,home exhibition,2022 Image #2:Photographer Liu yujie,home exhibition,2022 Image #3:Photographer Ye song,home exhibition,2022 Image #4:Photographer Ye song,home exhibition,2022 Image #5:Photographer Ye song,home exhibition,2022
Project Team Members: Chi Chenping
Project Name: Home Exhibition
Project Client: Chi Chenping

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