Reviving Okinawa's Forests: Fuma Fujiwara's Innovative Layer Stool

Transforming Discarded Wood into Artistic Furniture

Japanese designer Fuma Fujiwara has created a unique stool, "Layer," using discarded wood from Okinawa's forests, showcasing the island's unique vegetation while promoting sustainable furniture design.

Fuma Fujiwara, an Okinawa-based designer, has found a creative way to utilize the island's unique vegetation. Inspired by the diverse range of trees native to the subtropical region, Fujiwara has created a unique piece of furniture, the Layer stool, using nine different types of Okinawan trees. This innovative design not only highlights the island's unique flora but also promotes sustainable practices by using discarded wood.

The Layer stool is a testament to Fujiwara's innovative approach to design and sustainability. The stool is made from small-diameter trees and scrap wood, materials that are typically discarded during road expansion and after natural disasters. By upcycling these materials, Fujiwara has created a unique piece of furniture that showcases the beauty and diversity of Okinawan trees, while also proposing a new value for these often-overlooked materials.

The production process of the Layer stool is equally innovative. Fujiwara collected small pieces of wood and trees with small diameters discarded at lumber shops and workshops. The seat of the stool is made from a variety of woods, including the camphor tree, Melia azedarach, Magnolia compressa, Castanopsis sieboldii, Acacia confusa, Pinus luchuensis, Tetradium glabrifolium, Trema orientalis, and Podocarpus macrophyllus. The legs are made from Acacia confusa, and the entire piece is finished with beeswax. This process ensures that no material is wasted, promoting sustainability in furniture production.

Despite the challenges of creating diagonal layers with the wood, Fujiwara successfully managed to create beautiful curves in the stool's design. The combination of light and dark colors in the wood also adds to the stool's aesthetic appeal. The Layer stool is not just a piece of furniture, but a work of art that tells a story of Okinawa's unique vegetation and culture.

The Layer stool was exhibited at the Tokyo International Furniture Fair (IFFT) in March 2023, just two months after the project started. The design was well-received and was awarded Silver in the A' Furniture Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

In conclusion, Fuma Fujiwara's Layer stool is a remarkable example of innovative and sustainable design. By using discarded materials from Okinawa's forests, Fujiwara has created a unique piece of furniture that not only showcases the island's unique vegetation but also promotes sustainable practices in furniture design. The Layer stool is a testament to the power of creativity and innovation in transforming waste into something beautiful and functional.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: FUMA FUJIWARA
Image Credits: [Image # 1: Photographer Fuma Fujiwara, Layer Stool, 2023] [Image # 2: Photographer Fuma Fujiwara, Layer Stool, 2023] [Image # 3: Photographer Fuma Fujiwara, Layer Stool, 2023] [Image # 4: Photographer Fuma Fujiwara, Layer Stool, 2023] [Image # 5: Photographer Fuma Fujiwara, Layer Stool, 2023]
Project Team Members: FUMA FUJIWARA
Project Name: Layer
Project Client: FUMA FUJIWARA

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