Yarra: A Unique Plywood Chair by Raluca Visinescu

Award-Winning Design that Redefines Minimalism

Yarra, designed by Raluca Visinescu, is a groundbreaking chair that combines classical modern works with innovative design experiments. Inspired by the works of Eames, Olivier Mourgue, and Arne Jacobsen, Yarra stands out as a masterpiece of minimalism and functionality.

What sets Yarra apart from other chairs is its unique construction. Made from a single sheet of bent plywood, this chair aims to minimize cuts and joints, creating a seamless and elegant design. The process involves cutting the flat shape out of a plywood sheet, with two chairs being produced from a standard 120 x 252 cm sheet. The material is then bent, with one joint on the overlapping parts and a metal rod to maintain the distance between the chair's legs when someone sits on it.

The realization of Yarra relies on the technique of bent plywood, which allows for the creation of complex shapes from a single sheet of material. The final product measures 54 cm in width (front view), 63 cm in length (lateral view), and 108.8 cm in height. The plywood is cut before folding, with the shape inscribed in a 165.6 x 119.8 cm rectangle. This efficient use of materials showcases the designer's commitment to sustainability and resourcefulness.

When it comes to interaction, Yarra offers a minimalistic experience. The chair allows for a slight bend when someone sits on it, limited by the stiffness of the material and the presence of the metal rod. This intentional restriction ensures both comfort and stability, making Yarra suitable for various settings.

The Yarra project began in Spring 2004 in Bucharest and was exhibited as a design project and 1:5 scale model at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale in the same year. The design process involved extensive research into creating a chair with minimal cuts and joints, drawing inspiration from the rich tradition of Modernist design.

One of the main challenges faced during the development of Yarra was finding production possibilities for the design. The designer's commitment to bringing this innovative chair to life required exploring different manufacturing techniques and materials.

Yarra's exceptional design has been recognized with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in 2011. This award celebrates designs that exhibit outstanding creativity and resourcefulness, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. Yarra's contribution to improving quality of life and its commitment to sustainability make it a true testament to the power of design.

Yarra, with its seamless construction and minimalist aesthetic, represents a new era in chair design. Raluca Visinescu's innovative approach and dedication to creating a chair with minimal cuts and joints have resulted in a timeless piece that combines form and function in perfect harmony.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Raluca Visinescu
Image Credits: Raluca Visinescu
Project Team Members: Raluca Visinescu Corina Croitoru
Project Name: Yarra
Project Client: Raluca Visinescu

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