Park Inn Hotel - Jeddah: A Fusion of Art and Architecture

An Innovative Design by MZ Architects

The Park Inn Jeddah Hotel project is an interplay of art and architecture, pushing the boundaries of conventional building typology to create a product that is closer to a painting than a sculpture.

The Park Inn Hotel in Jeddah, designed by MZ Architects, is a stunning example of how art and architecture can seamlessly merge to create a unique and captivating design. Inspired by the works of Henri Matisse, the building's facade resembles a giant abstract painting, with a large square white frame symbolizing stability and enclosing an abstract black irregular mass that creates a sense of dynamism within it.

What sets this design apart is the way it challenges traditional notions of a building's structure. By questioning the idea of the frame, the architects have created a rigid external structure that clearly defines the building, while allowing for a much freer internal core that moves inside its edges. This concept is reminiscent of Matisse's representation of the mythological figure Icarus's plunge from the sky into the sea, with Icarus floating freely against a royal blue nighttime sky, defying the sun and forces of gravity.

The choice of a bright white color for the frame helps it contrast with the dark glass of its heart, capturing the movement of sunlight and creating playful and powerful geometric forms. The building's facades reflect light in such a way that it fragments the structure, allowing it to be read as a series of planes, reinforcing the idea of a painting.

But the design doesn't stop there. The building also incorporates glimpses of the city, whether through the open splits between the heart and the frame or in its blurred reflection on the building surface. The city becomes an integral part of the design, with moving cars, pedestrian flows, and planes flying high in the sky pictured and outlined as part of the building's activities.

Technologically, the Park Inn Hotel is a marvel. It is linked to a nearby tri-generation plant that produces on-site electricity, chilled water, and domestic hot water. The lift systems are designed for the lowest energy consumption, and sustainable site planning is highly considered, from light pollution reduction to water-efficient landscaping and outdoor air delivery monitoring.

With 250 hotel rooms, 100 apartments, a dining area, meeting rooms, retail space, and other amenities, the Park Inn Hotel is set to become a prominent attraction in Jeddah. Its location at the intersection of Al Madinah road and Tahliyah road provides easy access to any part of the city and is strategically chosen to cater to the increasing demand for high-end, modern hotels in the area.

The Park Inn Hotel in Jeddah is not just a building; it is a work of art. Its fusion of art and architecture, its innovative design, and its commitment to sustainability make it a truly remarkable project. It is no wonder that it was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2013, recognizing its outstanding expertise, innovation, and excellence.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Marwan Zgheib
Image Credits: Marwan Zgheib
Project Team Members: Architect: MZ Architects
Project Name: Park Inn - Jeddah
Project Client: Marwan Zgheib

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