Wash-it: A Sustainable Washing Unit

Integrating Showering and Clothes-Washing for Water Conservation

Excessive water consumption has become a global concern, prompting designers to find innovative solutions. The Wash-it project, created by Aktas, Ilhan, Onalan, and Soylemez, aims to address the issue of water waste in the bathroom by integrating showering and clothes-washing activities. By filtering and reusing water, Wash-it offers a sustainable solution that allows users to wash their clothing while showering, without using any extra water.

Water consumption in daily activities such as showering, flushing the toilet, and washing hands has been a significant contributor to the problem of water scarcity. The Wash-it design team conducted extensive research to understand the reasons behind excessive water usage during showering. They found that an average person uses approximately 150 liters of water for a 15-minute shower, which sparked their interest in tackling this particular activity.

Wash-it's unique feature lies in its ability to collect and filter gray water from the shower cabinet. As users take a shower, the water is passed through carbon, organic, and chemical filters, as well as a UV cleaning phase, before being stored for reuse. This closed plumbing system ensures that all the water in storage is clean and ready to be used again for showering or washing clothes.

The domestic version of Wash-it allows users to put their clothes into the washing machine, select the desired program, and start the process. While they shower, the used water is cleaned by the filters and collected in the storage tank. The washing machine then utilizes the cleaned water for the laundry. After the shower, users can retrieve their freshly washed clothing.

For public usage, Wash-it offers an additional design solution. The public Wash-it unit incorporates Air-wash technology, which refreshes clothes during the shower. Users can take their cleaned clothing back quickly, without any bad odors or sweat.

The Wash-it unit is made using thermoforming technology, with main acrylic (PMMA) body parts produced separately and joined together with snap fits and mechanical joints. The part holding the inner elements can be disassembled for maintenance purposes.

With its focus on sustainability and water conservation, Wash-it has received recognition for its innovative design. In 2013, it was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Futuristic Design category. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

The Wash-it project, developed by Aktas, Ilhan, Onalan, and Soylemez, showcases the potential for integrating everyday activities to promote sustainable living. By reimagining the showering experience and incorporating clothes-washing, Wash-it offers a practical solution to reduce water waste without compromising on user comfort and convenience.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ahmet Burak Aktas, Salih Berk Ilhan, Adem Önalan, Burak Söylemez .
Image Credits: Ahmet Burak Aktas, Salih Berk Ilhan, Adem Önalan, Burak Söylemez .
Project Team Members: Designer Ahmet Burak Aktas Designer Salih Berk Ilhan Designer Adem Onalan Designer Burak Soylemez
Project Name: Wash-it
Project Client: Ahmet Burak Aktas, Salih Berk Ilhan, Adem Önalan, Burak Söylemez .

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