Reviving the Atlantic Dream: SATA Airlines' Brand Transformation

Design by Ivity brings a new dimension to SATA Airlines, embodying the Atlantic soul of the Portuguese people.

When a brand's identity is deeply rooted in a region's soul, its transformation is a delicate task. Ivity took on this challenge for SATA Airlines, the most important commercial brand in the Portuguese Atlantic. The result is a design that not only respects the history and values of SATA but also adds a new dimension that maintains the visionary spirit that gave rise to it.

The new SATA symbol, BIA - Blue Islands Açor, is a tribute to the Atlantic sky. It represents the nine islands of the Azores, united in a single Atlantic challenge. The symbol is a bird, an Açor, which in Portuguese is the bird that named the archipelago - Açores/Azores. This bird is a symbol of the world that makes our ambitions fly higher, much like SATA Airlines itself.

The design process started in January 2009 and was presented in February 2010. The new brand identity was applied to various platforms, including Airbus A310, A320, Bombardier Q400, Q200, the website, uniforms, merchandising, brochures, flyers, campaigns, labels, signs, sales office, and corporate communication.

The new SATA symbol is painted in the Atlantic azures, colors that resemble the Azorean sky and sea. Seen from space, the Atlantic has the shape of a large S, which could be from SATA. The new "Atlantic azure" colors enable a new paint scheme for optimum impact and greater longevity. The colors used are Deep blue, Ocean blue, and Sky blue (648/640/637 Pantones).

The new brand identity faced several challenges. SATA was born from the Atlantic dream of a man and his love for the islands. It was founded in 1941 with the goal of creating an airline connection among the islands of the Azores and between the Azores and mainland Portugal. Its first flight, that of the Açor, was made in 1947. Over 67 years of existence, SATA has established itself as a brand of the modern-day Azorean economy and identity. The new design had to respect this history while also positioning SATA as the airline that has the best understanding of the Atlantic soul of the Portuguese people.

The design was recognized with the Platinum A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2014. This award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that showcase unmatched professionalism, genius, and contribute to societal wellbeing. It is awarded to the defining aesthetics of an era, advancing the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology, exhibiting transcendent excellence and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: SATA Airlines
Image Credits: P. Masclet/Airbus ATA/Azores Tourism ivity
Project Team Members: ivity for SATA Airlines
Project Name: SATA | BIA - Blue Islands Açor
Project Client: SATA Airlines

SATA | BIA - Blue Islands Açor IMG #2
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SATA | BIA - Blue Islands Açor IMG #5
SATA | BIA - Blue Islands Açor IMG #5

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