Young Huale's Innovative Brand Vision System: FIL

Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry with a Line

Young Huale, a renowned designer, has created an innovative brand vision system, FIL, which is a unique blend of art, design, and technology. This design, which has won the prestigious Silver A' Design Award, is inspired by the concept of a "line" and its potential for infinite extension and contraction.

The FIL brand vision system is a testament to the power of simplicity and innovation. The concept is based on the French word for "line," symbolizing the most basic component of thousands of aesthetics. The unique property of this design lies in its ability to expand and contract, creating a unified image regardless of its length or position.

Young Huale's design inspiration comes from the intuitive nature of a line. The line runs through the three fonts of the logo, making it real and intuitive. It resembles a progress bar or a regulator, capable of expanding and contracting the entire length of the logo. This unique design feature allows the FIL brand image system to be extended and scaled like a line, adaptable to any measure.

The realization of this design was achieved through the use of different length and length logos in various scenarios such as paper, name brands, handbags, and signboards. The versatility of the design is reflected in its application, from large specifications like shop signs to small specifications such as business cards, packaging, and stationery.

The design team, consisting of Young Huale, Hong Jing, and Zheng Rong, faced the challenge of integrating the flat graphics of the brand into the brand space. The solution was found in the graphic design, which allowed the brand concept to be presented realistically and at any time through varying lengths.

The FIL brand vision system has quickly become a popular brand, discussed widely by the public and the market. It is a testament to the power of innovative design and its ability to revolutionize the fashion industry. The success of FIL is a clear indication of the potential of design to create a unique and engaging brand image.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: BY-ENJOY
Image Credits: Photographer:Zou Xunkai
Project Team Members: Designer: Young Huale Hong Jing Zheng Rong
Project Name: FIL
Project Client: BY-ENJOY


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