Redefinition: Breaking Stereotypes and Questioning Standards

A Unique Design Exhibition by Xue Jiang

Inspired by the beauty of butterflies and the desire to redefine standards, Xue Jiang presents "Redefinition," a thought-provoking design exhibition that challenges our perception of measurement and self-expression.

From the creative perspectives of Xue Jiang and a team of talented artists, "Redefinition" aims to break people's stereotypes of standards and encourage them to question and reflect on the concept of measurement. Through standard visual language, the exhibition invites visitors to redefine their own standards and embrace their unique selves.

The exhibition features an unfolded scroll, resembling a tape measure, which allows visitors to assign different meanings to the scale. They can select basic tools for measurement and a set of triangular plates to create experimental collages. This interactive experience empowers individuals to redefine their standards according to their own values and aspirations.

Transparent PVC cloth and toilet paper roll paper are the primary materials used in the realization of this design. The transparent PVC cloth measures 1300mmx1450mm, while the toilet paper roll paper has an outer diameter of 135mmx100mm. These materials were chosen for their versatility and ability to convey the exhibition's message effectively.

The exhibition showcases the work of Xue Jiang, along with creative director Jialin Zhao and illustrator Huizi Wu. Together, they have seamlessly integrated photography, illustration, and collage to express their own definition of standards in various aspects.

Measurement is a fundamental method of understanding the world, and "Redefinition" emphasizes the importance of defining a basic unit and then combining numerous units to create meaning. Visitors are encouraged to select sections from the roll paper that resonate with their own character and collage them together. This process allows everyone to find themselves and become a standard, regardless of their perceived perfection.

The "Redefinition" project was initiated in Dalian in November 2020 and completed in January 2021. It was further exhibited at ACX Xinghai Art Center in December 2020, captivating audiences with its thought-provoking message.

This design project was driven by extensive research on the standards of beauty in society. The team explored the process of facing standards, breaking routines, and asserting oneself. Through illustrations, collage, and photography, they aimed to integrate people and their work into ordinary environments, capturing the essence of self-expression.

The exhibition faced several challenges, particularly in finding innovative ways to present standards and selecting suitable carriers for the concept of measurement. The team initially considered using a flexible ruler but realized it lacked the necessary interactivity with the masses. Ultimately, they opted for roll paper, a daily necessity with excellent interactivity and transmission. The visual design of the roll paper effectively communicates the exhibition's message to a wider audience.

"Redefinition" is a series of works exhibited in Dalian under the theme of "Rename." It defies conventional standards and encourages individuals to question the concept of measurement. By redefining their own standards, visitors can embrace their uniqueness and contribute to a better world.

Image Credits: Creator Wu Huizi, 2021, RENAME

Awards and Accolades: "Redefinition" was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2021 in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The exhibition's integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics contributes to a better world and evokes fulfillment and positive feelings.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Xue Jiang
Image Credits: Creator Wu Huizi,in 2021,RENAME
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Xue Jiang Designer: Jialin Zhao Illuetrator: Huizi Wu
Project Name: Rename
Project Client: Xue Jiang

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