Breaking Time: A Sanctuary Cave for Relaxation and Reflection

Transforming a Monotone Lounge into a Timeless Escape

Max Bessone's innovative design creates a sanctuary away from the busyness of time, allowing for relaxation, reflection, and creativity.

Max Bessone, a renowned designer, has taken on the challenge of transforming a monotone lounge into a unique space that breaks the constraints of time. Inspired by the concept of freedom and refuge, Bessone has created a sanctuary cave that offers a respite from the external world.

The centerpiece of the design is a stunning installation that represents "the cave." Inspired by the Wellington waterfront waka house roof, which resembles a Maori cloak, Bessone saw the inverted shape as a cave ceiling. The structure is composed of MDF panels, pine sticks, screws, and LED strips, creating an abstract and modern representation of a cave.

To further enhance the ambiance, Bessone has incorporated a bird motif throughout the room. The bird symbolizes freedom and the fleeting nature of time. The bird design, printed on HP wallpaper, is complemented by a metal nest made from iron and brass. The juxtaposition of the bird and the cave creates a harmonious balance between lightness and protection.

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood of the sanctuary cave. Bessone has designed a recharge light using aluminum and LED lights. This allows for different intensities of luminosity, catering to the individual's needs and creating a personalized atmosphere.

Despite working with a limited budget, Bessone's attention to detail and meticulous planning resulted in a visually stunning and cohesive design. Through extensive research and the creation of scale models, he overcame technical challenges to achieve the desired aesthetic precision.

The Breaking Time design project, located in Wellington, New Zealand, was completed in July 2015 as part of Bessone's personal research and development to enhance the quality of his own home. The design has garnered recognition and was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2016 for its creativity and resourcefulness.

Max Bessone's Breaking Time design is a testament to the power of art, architecture, and design to create spaces that go beyond functionality. By breaking the constraints of time, this sanctuary cave offers a unique experience of relaxation, introspection, and inspiration.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Max Bessone
Image Credits: Max Bessone
Project Team Members: Max Bessone
Project Name: Breaking time
Project Client: Max Bessone

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