Bronx: A Unique and Innovative Pub and Brewery

Creating a Visual Street Experience in a Vertical Space

Bronx, a pub and brewery located in the bustling market of Gurgaon, stands out from the crowd with its unique design and innovative features. Designed by Devesh Bhatia of Nexus Design, this project redefines the concept of a pub by incorporating elements inspired by street culture and creating a visual experience that spans four levels of the building.

The central feature of Bronx is the dual staircase, which serves as a visual representation of a walking street in a vertical space. This staircase not only connects all four floors of the building but also acts as a focal point, showcasing the expanse of the entire space. It creates a sense of unity and allows visitors to explore different levels and experiences within the pub.

Each floor of Bronx has its own unique characteristics and ambiance. The basement, designed as a cozy den, features archways, intimate corners, and a central bar. The ground floor is a walk-in area with a few seats for rush hour capacity utilization. The first floor offers an open and spacious environment with a central bar and outdoor balconies. The second floor, the first terrace, features a semi-enclosed central bar and open-air seating. The second terrace provides a smaller yet open area for those seeking a more intimate setting. Throughout the entire building, a visual theme of street art ties the space together, creating a cohesive and distinctive character.

The realization of the design involved breaking down the existing building to its structural members. The dual staircase was constructed using mild steel, while the walls were redone to achieve an exposed brick look. The flooring throughout the space is polished cement concrete, and glass partitions were used to maintain a sense of openness. The materials used remain consistent throughout the different floors, creating a common thread while varying the intensity of their usage.

Bronx utilizes basic materials to achieve its unique aesthetic. Exposed brickwork, natural wood polished in a natural color, and light fixtures made from natural materials contribute to the overall ambiance. The white polished cement concrete flooring adds a sense of spaciousness and simplicity to the space.

The design of Bronx was a collaborative effort by Devesh Bhatia, Pratyay Chakrabarti, Kamal Kishore, Swaran Singh, and Parag Anand. Together, they overcame various challenges, such as developing a functional dual staircase and creating low-rise arches in the basement area. Extensive research into street culture environments and the use of lightweight metal structures was conducted to ensure the success of the design.

Bronx was officially inaugurated on December 25, 2015, after a design phase that began in April 2015. The project has received recognition for its outstanding design, winning the Silver A' Design Award in the Hospitality, Recreation, Travel, and Tourism category in 2016. This prestigious award acknowledges Bronx as a top-of-the-line, innovative design that showcases exceptional expertise and creativity.

Bronx, with its unique design and innovative features, offers a one-of-a-kind pub and brewery experience. Its visual street experience, created through the dual staircase and cohesive design elements, sets it apart from other establishments in the market. Whether you're looking for a cozy den, an open and spacious environment, or an intimate terrace, Bronx has something to offer for every visitor.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: devesh pratyay
Image Credits: Sameer chawda
Project Team Members: devesh bhatia pratyay chakrabarti kamal Kishore Swaran singh Parag ananad
Project Name: Bronx
Project Client: devesh pratyay

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