ECHOES: A Unique and Artistic Residence by Fang Shin-Yuan

Reshaping Space with Paper Sculpture Inspiration

Inspired by paper sculpture, the ECHOES residence by designer Fang Shin-Yuan utilizes lines and blocks to create a visually stunning and innovative living space. By transforming 2D elements into 3D shapes, this design brings paper art to life, resulting in a captivating and unique architectural masterpiece.

The ECHOES residence stands out with its use of simple elements such as lines and blocks, which are cut and rearranged to create a dynamic and visually striking space. The layers of elements are juxtaposed between solid structures and voids, creating a sense of depth and movement. The play of light and shadow further enhances the richness and complexity of the space.

One of the standout features of the ECHOES residence is the incorporation of feng shui principles. The design, named "Giving Birth," combines structure and feng shui to create a vibrant form that symbolizes endless life. This artistic work reflects an oriental culture's reverence for life energy and adds a deeper meaning to the space.

The realization of the ECHOES design involves the use of various materials and techniques. Concrete materials are employed to create different textures, resulting in a harmonious blend of conflicting renderings that give the space a dynamic and ever-changing appearance. Additionally, environmentally-friendly recycled material called GAIA is used for installation art, providing both visual tension and a sustainable approach to design. The dance table, made of 9mm thick pig iron, adds a touch of elegance and contrasts the hardness of the material with the softness of the silhouette.

The ECHOES residence is located in Taiwan and was completed in December 2015. The project started in May 2015, and the design team, led by Fang Shin-Yuan and including Teresa Hong, worked diligently to bring this unique vision to life.

Recognized for its exceptional design, the ECHOES residence was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2016 in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category. This prestigious award acknowledges the creativity and ingenuity of the design, which seamlessly combines art, science, and technology to create a space that enhances quality of life.

The ECHOES residence is a testament to the power of design to transform space and evoke emotions. With its innovative use of paper sculpture inspiration, feng shui principles, and a harmonious blend of materials and techniques, this residence stands as a true work of art.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shin-Yuan Fang
Image Credits: JMS
Project Team Members: Teresa Hong
Project Name: ECHOES
Project Client: Shin-Yuan Fang


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