Dom Pechati: A New Vision for an Old Place

Restoring History and Creating a Modern Space

Inspired by the historical site itself, Nikita Zhilyakov Workspace transformed the abandoned warehouse of printed products in Yekaterinburg, Russia, into a multifunctional space that combines a restaurant, a night club, and a cultural venue. With its unique blend of old and new, Dom Pechati has become a beloved spot for both locals and visitors.

This project, completed in 2014, involved the renovation of a former printing house built in 1930. The goal was to preserve the historical character of the building while creating a contemporary space suitable for various functions. To achieve this, the existing floors, walls, and ceilings were carefully cleaned and treated to showcase the original construction materials. Partial restorations were carried out, and special primers and varnishes were applied to the perimeter walls.

One of the notable features of Dom Pechati is the combination of European cult furniture from the 1950s and 1960s with Russian furniture from the same period. These carefully selected pieces, including carpets, cupboards, and filing cabinets, were sourced during the construction process and contribute to the overall character of the interior.

With a total area of 1024 square meters, Dom Pechati offers a seamless transition from a daytime restaurant and public space to a nighttime venue for clubbing and concerts. The design successfully balances the preservation of the building's constructivist spirit with the incorporation of modern elements, creating a unique and inviting atmosphere.

The restoration of Dom Pechati presented numerous challenges, including how to revitalize a nearly ruined building and maintain its historical significance. By combining seemingly incongruous elements, the design team was able to create a modern space that pays homage to the building's past. The result is a place that is loved by the citizens of Yekaterinburg and has become a cultural hub in the city.

Dom Pechati was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2016 for its outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. This recognition highlights the project's exceptional level of excellence and its ability to evoke positive emotions and wonder in visitors.

All photos courtesy of Photographer Aleksey Izmalkov, 2014.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Nikita Zhilyakov Workspace
Image Credits: All photos: Photographer Aleksey Izmalkov, 2014.
Project Team Members: Nikita Zhilyakov Workspace
Project Name: Dom Pechati
Project Client: Nikita Zhilyakov Workspace

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