Ocean Times

Comprehensive Display & Office Area

Gu Teng

We always attach importance to reducing resources consumption, realizing efficient and convenient construction process, while breaking formalist mindset of the space, driving and conveying emotion between people and space through all-round fusion and interaction.

Open the space as much as possible with unlimited laxity and freedom to embrace everyone. Decompose the logic and recombine it to fade the trace of horizontal and vertical emphasis as well as rigorousness, taking mind of people from paying exorbitant attention to own behaviors, adjusting themselves to a state of comfort.

It is one of the commercial complex, with no regulations to follow for the space, based on this, we explore a sense of dimension. We use concrete, wood, emulsion varnish, and glass for the project.

The whole space covers 2200m2 (irregular space with a height of 3.5m), most furniture inside is designed for the spaces. There are 26 communication areas, including 26 sets of sofas and tables, all with different dimensions, making the communication more efficient.

Keywords: simple, artistic, rhythm, fun, color, practical, cost-effective

Site inspection was conducted to explore the maximum possibility of the space. Based on cost, budget, engineering schedule, etc., a preliminary design was conducted to realize low cost for all the materials applied, which is easy for construction and installation, creating a relaxed, clean, and comfortable environment.

The design started on September 10th, 2014, and finished on December 10th, 2014, in Shanghai, nearly three months.

Before the project, detailed communication was made with the using party, mainly to understand their needs and purposes, as well as the plan for the project.

One of the challenges faced was that all furniture needed to be customized.

This design was awarded Silver in the A' Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design Award in 2016. The Silver A' Design Award is rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Gu Teng
Image Credits: Gu Teng
Project Team Members: Gu Teng
Project Name: Ocean Times
Project Client: Gu Teng

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