Manshausen: A Harmonious Blend of Design and Nature

Snorre Stinessen's Award-Winning Design Transforms Island Resort

Snorre Stinessen's Manshausen Island Resort is a masterful blend of architecture and nature. This article explores the design's unique properties, realization technology, and the challenges overcome during its creation.

Snorre Stinessen's design for the Manshausen Island Resort is a testament to the power of architecture to enhance and reflect the natural surroundings. The design was inspired by the client brief and the natural elements of the site, with every design feature aiming to answer practical functions and enhance the experience of the nature and surroundings, while keeping guests comfortably sheltered.

The resort was planned and laid out in consideration of the Island's topography. The positioning and orientation of all the cabins were based on the consideration of their individual panoramic views and privacy for the guests. The cabins are designed to offer their guests shelter and comfort while at the same time underlining the dramatic experience of the elements outside; the sea, landscape, changing lights, weather, and different seasons.

Key to the realization of this design was the use of carefully selected wood, glass with sufficient insulation values, and aluminium roof cladding to withstand the salty and wet environment. The cabins were designed and produced in Cross Laminated Timber elements, with a prototype set up in a factory prior to final construction and shipment. The design also had to consider logistical restrictions due to the remote location, and the limited window for construction due to harsh weather conditions.

The interior of the cabins are easy to use, with ample space for luggage and equipment for various activities, a small, but custom-designed kitchen, and a comfortable bathroom with a custom-designed and built shower cabinet in corian. The protected portico can be closed up using the large outer sliding door, sealing the room off for weather and snow, functioning as key to the natural ventilation system or sealing off the cabin for the season.

The planning of the resort was laid out in accordance with market research, aiming to attract visitors and ensure suitability to the guest's functional requirements. There was an ambition for an eco-friendly project and footprint, which led to the choice of construction in Cross Laminated Timber, positioning and foundations with minimal impact on the natural site. The design process also had to calculate harsh weather, hurricane wind-force, wave heights, snow, ice, etc.

This design was awarded Platinum in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2017. The award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that showcase unmatched professionalism, genius, and contribute to societal wellbeing. It is a testament to the defining aesthetics of an era, advancing the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology, exhibiting transcendent excellence and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Snorre Stinessen
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Siggen Stinessen, Manshausen, 2015. Image #2: Photographer Steve King, Manshausen, 2016. Image #3: Photographer Steve King, Manshausen, 2016. Image #4: Photographer Steve King, Manshausen, 2016. Image #5: Photographer Siggen Stinessen, Manshausen, 2015.
Project Team Members: Snorre Stinessen
Project Name: Manshausen Island Resort
Project Client: Snorre Stinessen

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Manshausen Island Resort IMG #3
Manshausen Island Resort IMG #4
Manshausen Island Resort IMG #5
Manshausen Island Resort IMG #5

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