Imagination: A Jewelry Set by Konstantin Yumin

Unleashing the Beauty of Nature through Design

Imagination is a unique jewelry set designed by Konstantin Yumin, inspired by the intricate wonders of nature. This exquisite collection captures the essence of natural beauty and translates it into wearable art.

Konstantin Yumin draws inspiration from the delicate details found in the little wonders of nature. From the pollen on a flower's stigma to the frost on strands of moss, Yumin finds pleasure in the perfection of nature. This fascination serves as the driving force behind the creation of Imagination.

Imagination is not a mere replication of nature's beauty; it is a celebration of it. Yumin's intention is to adorn the faces and bodies of beautiful women, bringing joy to their everyday lives. The shapes and textures created by his imagination breathe life into the jewelry set, allowing wearers to experience the tactile properties of the materials and the play of light and shadow on their surfaces.

The realization of Imagination is a testament to Yumin's craftsmanship. The entire collection is meticulously crafted by hand, without the use of 3D technology. The process begins with the creation of a soft wax model, which is then cast in metal. Various elements are added through forging and rolling, enhancing the overall design. The most challenging aspect was creating a unique texture on the metal surface while preserving its original silver color.

The Imagination jewelry set consists of a necklace, ring, and earrings. The necklace measures 140mm x 160mm x 15mm, while each earring is 45mm x 10mm x 10mm. The ring has dimensions of 20mm x 20mm x 20mm. The entire set is packaged in a box measuring 220mm x 190mm x 50mm.

Imagination has garnered recognition in the design community, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design category in 2017. This prestigious award honors designs that showcase creativity, resourcefulness, and technical excellence, contributing to the improvement of quality of life.

Imagination is a testament to the power of design to capture the essence of nature and transform it into wearable art. Konstantin Yumin's creation invites us to embrace the beauty that surrounds us and carry it with us every day.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Konstantin Yumin
Image Credits: photographer Anastasiya Yumina
Project Team Members: Konstantin Yumin
Project Name: Imagination
Project Client: Konstantin Yumin

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