Shimokita House: A Revolutionary Approach to Health and Architecture

Yoshihiro Matsuura's Award-Winning Design Combines Architecture and Preventive Medicine

Yoshihiro Matsuura, a renowned designer, has created a unique residence named "Shimokita House". This design, inspired by the high cancer rates in Japan, is a revolutionary blend of architecture and preventive medicine, aiming to improve residents' health and potentially prevent cancer.

Shimokita House, located in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, is a two-story building with 118.4 square meters of floor space. The project, which started in April 2014 and was completed in January 2017, has been recognized with a Silver A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2017. This prestigious award is given to designs that showcase outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill.

The design of Shimokita House is rooted in the concept of architectural medicine. It focuses on the health of its residents, with a particular emphasis on cancer prevention. The design incorporates natural elements from the Shimokita Peninsula, such as cypress, cedar, fresh air, greenery, sunlight, and wind, to create a living environment that promotes a healthy and affluent lifestyle.

Matsuura's design approach is scientific and holistic. The house is designed to stimulate the parasympathetic nerve, which is known to improve immunity. The design mimics the experience of forest bathing, a practice known for its health benefits, including boosting the immune system. This innovative approach to design is a testament to Matsuura's commitment to bridging the gap between the building industry and the medical world.

Shimokita House also addresses practical challenges. For instance, the design includes measures to control air flows, reduce the burden of snow shoveling, and reduce stress by replacing stairs with slopes. The house also encourages healthier dietary habits by providing balanced diet menus. Furthermore, the house features a ceramic tile bath, which is known for its antibacterial properties and effectiveness in removing active oxygen, a factor linked to cancer.

Shimokita House is a unique example of how design can be used to address health issues. It is a testament to Matsuura's innovative approach to design and his commitment to improving people's lives. This project serves as an inspiration for designers and architects worldwide, demonstrating how design can be used to create healthier living environments and potentially prevent diseases.

Project Details and Credits

Project Team Members: YOSHIHIRO MATSUURA
Project Name: Shimokita house

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