Revolutionizing Interior Design: The Covered-in Space with Safety Feeling

Designers Hsin-Yu Hsieh and Pei-Hsi Chuo Create a Unique, Safe, and Warm Living Space

Discover the innovative interior design project, 'The Covered-in Space with Safety Feeling', by Hsin-Yu Hsieh and Pei-Hsi Chuo. This design, inspired by the warmth and safety of a womb or cave, provides a unique and comforting living space for its inhabitants.

The design's unique properties lie in its concept of creating a covered-in space that evokes feelings of safety and warmth. The designers aimed to create a space reminiscent of a womb or cave, characterized by primitive features of warmth and safety, to meet the family's need for a secure environment.

The realization of this design involved the use of warm wooden materials to create a folded geometric structure that stretches from the wall to the ceiling. The structure's different facets and the wooden texture create varied spatial effects through the projection of spotlights in different directions. The edge lines generated by the adjacent facets serve as the optimal parts to embed linear LEDs.

Spanning 147 square meters, this interior design project is a testament to modern style residences. The TV wall, set in the central part of the public zone, creates a visual focus in the living room and dining area. This unique spatial configuration is different from the ordinary setting of embedding the TV on the main wall of the living room.

The project, completed in March 2017 in Taoyuan City, Taiwan, faced challenges in creating a whole spatial atmosphere of cave feelings. The designers overcame this by matching the atmosphere with a special sofa set with a higher seat back to compose a perfect private space without restrained feelings. This space serves as a great place for parties and joyful times with family and friends.

This innovative design was recognized with the prestigious Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018. The award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs are admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcasing a remarkable level of excellence and introducing positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hsin-Yu Hsieh
Image Credits: Wei-She Chen
Project Team Members: Hsin-Yu Hsieh Pei-Hsi Chuo
Project Name: The Covered in Space with Safety Feeling
Project Client: Hsin-Yu Hsieh

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The Covered in Space with Safety Feeling IMG #5
The Covered in Space with Safety Feeling IMG #5

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