Motub: A Revolutionary Elderly Oriented Bathtub

Improving Safety and Comfort for Aging Individuals

The Motub bathtub is a groundbreaking design by Yun Yang that aims to address the safety concerns and challenges faced by elderly individuals during bathing. With its unique features and innovative design, Motub offers a safe and convenient bathing experience for disabled elders, while also reducing the workload of nursing staff.

Bathing is one of the most dangerous activities for disabled old people, and transferring them to the bathroom from the living room often puts a strain on nursing staff. Motub bathtub, however, provides a solution to these challenges. Unlike traditional mobile chairs, Motub allows the elderly to move forwardly from the bed or wheelchair with minimal assistance from the nursing staff. This not only ensures their safety but also gives them a sense of independence and dignity.

The main body of Motub is made from acrylic, which offers excellent thermal insulation and corrosion resistance. This material choice ensures that the bathtub maintains a comfortable temperature throughout the bathing process, enhancing the overall experience for the elderly.

One of the key features of Motub is its mobility. The chair on which the elderly individual sits can be easily moved into the bathroom and locked with the other part of the bathtub. Additionally, the chair can slide along an orbit, providing more bathing space and flexibility for both the user and the nursing staff.

The Motub bathtub was developed after extensive research and observation. Yun Yang conducted fieldwork in 30 families where disabled elders reside, closely observing their lifestyle and bathing habits. The research revealed that transferring disabled elders to the bathroom was a pain point for both the elderly individuals and the nursing staff. This insight led to the creation of Motub, which effectively addresses this issue.

The Motub bathtub was exhibited in June 2017 at the Shanghai Library, garnering attention and appreciation from visitors. Its unique design and focus on improving the lives of the elderly earned it the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in the Bathroom Furniture and Sanitary Ware Design category in 2018. This award recognizes designs that exhibit technical and creative excellence while contributing to quality of life improvements.

With Motub, Yun Yang has not only created a functional and innovative bathtub but has also made a significant contribution to the well-being of the aging population. By prioritizing safety, comfort, and independence, Motub revolutionizes the bathing experience for disabled elders and reduces the workload of nursing staff, ultimately making a positive impact on the lives of both the elderly and their caregivers.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yun Yang
Image Credits: All images offered by myself. No infringement.
Project Team Members: Yun Yang
Project Name: motub
Project Client: Yun Yang

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