IBM Bluemix Availability Monitoring: A Revolutionary Tool for Developers

Golden A' Design Award Winner, Sasha Kerbel, Unveils Innovative Software Application

IBM Bluemix Availability Monitoring (BAM), a unique software application designed by Sasha Kerbel and her team, is revolutionizing the way developers monitor the health and performance of their applications. This innovative tool, which integrates seamlessly into existing developer processes, has been recognized with the prestigious Golden A' Design Award in 2018.

Traditional application monitoring tools often require developers to undergo tedious configuration steps, costing them valuable time and resources. BAM, however, was designed with the developers' pain points in mind. It offers a range of features, including easy performance insights, troubleshooting, and response time monitoring. This allows developers to quickly identify and address any issues with their applications, resulting in less time spent on troubleshooting and more time spent on building their apps.

The unique properties of BAM set it apart from other monitoring tools on the market. It was designed to make setup easy and save time for users, a stark contrast to traditional tools that often require tedious manual configuration. Developers can quickly see when their apps are down and address the problem to get them up and running again. This not only saves time and money but also maintains customer satisfaction.

BAM was realized using Sketch App, React, and d3, and is a cloud software. The design process was iterative and heavily based on user feedback. Developers were interviewed to understand their workflow and pain points, and with every iteration, user testing and methods such as interviews and focus groups were used to gain feedback from the target users.

The biggest challenge faced by the design team was to create an app that seamlessly integrated with the existing workflow and tools that developers already used. The goal was to have a low barrier for entry into using the product, and therefore easy setup and integration, while maintaining high-quality design, was key to creating BAM.

IBM Bluemix Availability Monitoring is a testament to the power of design in addressing real-world problems. It is a tool that not only simplifies the work of developers but also contributes to the overall efficiency and productivity of the tech industry. With its unique features and user-centric design, it is no surprise that it has been recognized with the prestigious Golden A' Design Award.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Angela Boodoo
Image Credits: Natalie Caudell, Visual Designer, IBM Design
Project Team Members: Esteban Pérez-Hemminger Troy Bjerke Jamie Skinner Nina Dang Lauren Goldstein Natalie Caudell Sandra Tipton
Project Name: IBM Bluemix Availability Monitoring
Project Client: Angela Boodoo

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IBM Bluemix Availability Monitoring IMG #5

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