IBM's Cloud Event Management: Revolutionizing IT Operations

Award-winning software application streamlines, prioritizes, and resolves service outages

In an era where digital services are the backbone of businesses, service outages can be catastrophic. IBM's Cloud Event Management (CEM), a software application designed by Sasha Kerbel and team, aims to revolutionize the way IT Operations teams handle these outages. This Golden A' Information Technologies Design Award winner is a game-changer, providing a holistic approach to identifying, diagnosing, and resolving service outages.

IBM CEM was born out of the need to improve the efficiency of IT Operations teams. These teams often grapple with high expectations to resolve and reduce product service outages, while working with outdated tools and team structures. IBM CEM is a solution designed to help IT Ops teams prioritize their work and connect them with the right people to resolve product outages.

What sets IBM CEM apart from other software applications is its intuitive workflow. It integrates tasks that are usually spread across different systems and users, creating a compelling user experience. Data from thousands of sources are correlated, prioritized, and routed to the right people, with built-in procedures to fix problems quickly. This allows teams to collaborate effectively and stay in sync.

The development of IBM CEM was a journey that started in January 2016 in London. After a series of experimental and beta phases, the software went live in October 2017. The design team, which included Kieran Geoghegan, Daniel Brown, Britta Binning, Fabienne Schoeman, Shaun Lynch, Dave Clark, Angela Boodoo, Myriam Battelli, and Randa Salem, faced numerous challenges during the development process. They had to constantly validate and iterate their hypotheses, and modify their initial designs based on user feedback.

IBM CEM is operated by automatically ingesting thousands of events from disparate sources and consolidating them into prioritized incidents. This helps users identify the real causes of faults in their environment. The software can resolve simple outages automatically, freeing up first responders to concentrate on faults that need their intervention. By automatically routing incidents to the right people, IBM CEM brings together development and operations teams to resolve complex faults quickly.

IBM CEM's impact on the IT Operations landscape is significant. It has not only improved the efficiency of IT engineers but also fostered trust among users. The system's ability to correlate data effectively has been a key factor in its success. IBM CEM is a testament to the power of design and innovation in transforming the way businesses operate.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Angela Boodoo
Image Credits: IBM Design
Project Team Members: Kieran Geoghegan Daniel Brown Britta Binning Fabienne Schoeman Shaun Lynch Dave Clark Angela Boodoo Myriam Battelli Randa Salem
Project Name: IBM Cloud Event Management
Project Client: Angela Boodoo

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