Urban Redevelopment: A Blend of History and Innovation

Dina Dridze's Concept of Urban Redevelopment: A Case Study

Exploring the innovative urban redevelopment concept by Dina Dridze, this article delves into the transformation of a former factory into a mixed-use environment, blending history with modernity.

The Concept of Urban Redevelopment by Dina Dridze is a unique project that breathes new life into a former canvas factory from the time of Peter the Great. The project, inspired by renowned global examples such as The Gasometers of Vienna and Hafen City, aims to turn the factory into a "cultural anchor" of the territory, highlighting its historical significance while making it relevant to contemporary society.

What sets this design apart is its emphasis on the historical planning structure of the former factory buildings. The project "opens" the territory to business, visitors, and residents, creating view corridors towards the Moscow River through the demolition of inefficient structures on the embankment. The unique and attractive public image is achieved through the reconstruction of the structures along the riverbank and the accommodation of shopping arcades going into the inland of the plot.

The project was realized using a combination of programs such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, 3Dmax, and Photoshop. The redevelopment covers an area of 11 ha, with an overall area of mixed-use buildings at the plot amounting to 225800 m2. This includes preserved constructions of 84 m2, to be reconstructed – 45,4m2, and new development – 95,9 m2.

The design team, consisting of Ivan Astafurov, Ivan Dubrovin, Maria Vinogradova-Frank, Irina Cherkesova, Irina Yamashkina, Kseniya Maslova, and Marina Lepeshkina, worked on the project from 2015 to 2016. The project was presented and discussed with a professional audience in Leipzig in May 2016.

Research for the design involved comprehensive analysis of the baseline conditions of the site and the history of the place. The team worked through layers of information according to permeability, transport connections, viewpoints, social activity, density, and other characteristics of the area. The concept transforms disadvantages and emphasizes the uniqueness of the place, providing a mixed-use environment interesting for business, visitors, and residents.

The project faced several challenges, including the preservation of the business environment within the reconstructed factory, effective use of territorial reserves, and the reconstruction of the historical road network through new internal road connections. Despite these challenges, the team successfully created a concept that integrates the territory "back" into the city.

In recognition of its innovation and excellence, the Concept of Urban Redevelopment was awarded Silver in the A' City Planning and Urban Design Award in 2018. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: RTDA
Image Credits: Image#1: Ivan Astafurov, Irina Cherkesova Image#2: Irina Yamashkina Image#3: Ivan Astafurov, Irina Yamashkina Image#4: Irina Yamashkina, Irina Cherkesova Image#5: Ivan Astafurov, Irina Cherkesova
Project Team Members: Dina Dridze Ivan Astafurov Ivan Dubrovin Maria Vinogradova-Frank Irina Cherkesova Irina Yamashkina Kseniya Maslova Marina Lepeshkina
Project Name: Concept of urban redevelopment in Moscow
Project Client: RTDA

Concept of urban redevelopment in Moscow IMG #2
Concept of urban redevelopment in Moscow IMG #3
Concept of urban redevelopment in Moscow IMG #4
Concept of urban redevelopment in Moscow IMG #5
Concept of urban redevelopment in Moscow IMG #5

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