Aviral Bohra's Journal Visualisation: A New Dimension to Emotional Understanding

Award-winning application that visualises emotions through diary entries

Aviral Bohra's innovative design, Journal Visualisation, is an application that quantifies and reflects emotions from diary entries. This unique concept has earned Bohra the Silver A' Interface, Interaction and User Experience Design Award in 2018.

Bohra's inspiration for Journal Visualisation stemmed from the introspective nature of diary writing. He envisioned an application that could delve deeper into the emotional state of the writer, providing a visual representation of their feelings over time. The aim was to offer users a tool to better understand themselves, their moods, and the factors influencing them.

The application's unique properties lie in its ability to transform written words into emotional data. It presents users with a visualisation of their emotions and the subjects they write about. The application also allows users to track their mood changes over time and correlate their emotional state with time and location.

Bohra used the Sketch app and leading design strategy techniques to realise his vision. The application features an interactive dashboard-like interface that provides users with a comprehensive overview of their recorded diary events and their emotional impact.

The project, which began in May 2017 in Gurgaon, was completed in November of the same year. Bohra dedicated four months to researching emotions and their quantification. He then faced the challenge of extracting meaningful insights from the collected data. He used affinity mapping and user journey mapping to identify the user's steps and emotional highs and lows.

Bohra's Journal Visualisation is more than just an application; it's a tool for self-discovery. By visualising emotions, it offers users a new perspective on their feelings and experiences. This innovative design concept, coupled with its user-friendly interface and insightful data visualisation, has rightfully earned it a Silver A' Design Award.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Aviral
Image Credits: Aviral
Project Team Members: Aviral
Project Name: Magic Morror
Project Client: Aviral

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