Symbiotic Parasite: A Unique Residential Extension

Adding a Striking Layer of Architectural Identity

The Symbiotic Parasite is a residential extension project designed by Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar. Inspired by the need to infuse a new layer of intervention, this design stands out from the existing architectural fabric while preserving its identity.

This project is an extension to a residential bungalow, designed with careful consideration of sun path calculations. The angled windows bring in diffused light without any glare, creating a comfortable and well-lit space. The concept behind the Symbiotic Parasite is to add a new layer of architectural identity that is radically different from the existing structure, making a unique mark in the architectural landscape.

The structure of the Symbiotic Parasite is made with laser-cut M.S plates, providing insulation to combat heat. Its self-supported geometry allows for easy integration with the original structure, requiring minimal intervention. Additionally, the lightweight design enables easy detachment and transportation, making it both permanent and mobile.

One of the standout features of this design is the tessellated arrangement of windows, which not only prevents sun glare but also creates intriguing patterns with the sun's shadows on the floor. Openable windows are strategically placed to maximize cool air and ventilation throughout different seasons. The geometric alignment of the structure also gives the illusion of a larger space than its actual footprint.

Despite initial skepticism from the community due to its striking language, the Symbiotic Parasite has become a favorite among its neighbors. Its versatility is evident as it has been transformed into a nursery, attracting birds and even baby monkeys who playfully slide on the structure. The design successfully combines functionality and aesthetics, creating a space that adapts to the changing needs of its users.

The Symbiotic Parasite project was completed in Ahmedabad over a period of six months, from February to August 2016. The design draws inspiration from constructivist paintings by Wassily Kandinsky and set designs by Lyubov Popova. Extensive research on climate calculations and sun directions was conducted to provide optimal functional and aesthetic solutions.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2019. This award celebrates designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar
Image Credits: Phx India-Sebastian/ Ira
Project Team Members: Lead Architect/ Founder : Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar
Project Name: Symbiotic Parasite
Project Client: Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar

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