The Upper Cave: A Sculpture Inspired by Primitive Art

Returning to the Realm of Instinct

The Upper Cave is a unique sculpture created by Dong Han that draws inspiration from the matriarchal society of early human history and expresses the artist's understanding and awe of nature, primitive religion, and motherhood.

The Upper Cave stands out among other sculptures with its return to primitive art, seeking a natural state of mind that belongs to the realm of instinct. Dong Han, the artist, is fascinated by the simplified features of primitive art, which despite the lack of anecdotal statements, presents a wonderful expression of strength and unspeakable spirituality. This creation goes beyond mere external representation and delves into essential thinking.

The sculpture is realized using the three-dimensional space as an art form. It starts with a clay sculpture prototype, which is then transformed into a resin material. Finally, it is turned into copper and colored on the surface. The result is a captivating artwork that measures 55cm in width, 30cm in depth, and 77cm in height.

Through The Upper Cave, Dong Han aims to convey human emotion and longing for freedom. In a world where science and technology have led mankind to conquer nature, the artist seeks to awaken contemporary people's awe of nature and the primitive memories hidden in our hearts. The sculpture serves as a reminder of our connection to the natural world and the importance of preserving it.

The project started in June 2018 and was completed in September 2018 at Han Dong Studio in Beijing. Throughout the creation process, Dong Han faced the challenge of producing an abstract work that relied on feelings rather than deliberate planning and design. The three-month journey was filled with risks and uncertainties, but the artist persevered to create a piece that feels more like a natural work than an artificial product.

The Upper Cave is a testament to the enduring power of primitive art. It taps into the animistic worldview, which may have been expelled by religion, science, and civilization but still exists in a mysterious way. Through this sculpture, Dong Han invites us to return to a natural state of mind, one that is close to the root of the human spirit and embodies a truly primitive visual image.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the Iron A' Design Award in the Fine Arts and Art Installation Design category in 2021. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Upper Cave stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Dong Han
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Lei He, The Upper Cave,2018. Image #2: Photographer Lei He, The Upper Cave,2018. Image #3: Photographer Lei He, The Upper Cave,2018. Image #4: Photographer Lei He, The Upper Cave,2018. Image #5: Photographer Lei He, The Upper Cave,2018.
Project Team Members: Dong Han
Project Name: The Upper Cave
Project Client: Dong Han

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The Upper Cave IMG #5

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