Motiva: Philosophical Art for Your Wall

Bringing together inspiring quotes and beautiful artwork

Motiva, a patented design concept created by Ronen Shilo, combines the power of words with the beauty of art to create a unique medium for expression. Through a process called "visual compression," Motiva's proprietary algorithm overlaps common words within a set of quotes to create a visually stunning letter grid. This grid is then matched with striking artwork, printed on fine paper, and framed in oak wood. As Motiva hangs on your wall, it slowly reveals the hidden quotes within, inspiring and surprising the viewer.

The fusion of words with art, empowered by technology, brings philosophical art to your wall as Motiva. The algorithm behind Motiva's design identifies common words within a set of quotes and overlaps them in a way that creates a unique letter grid. This grid is then matched with striking artwork, printed on fine paper, and harnessed in a wooden frame. Words hidden within the grid illuminate to form meaningful statements, inspiring and surprising the viewer.

Motiva is not just visually captivating, but also meticulously crafted. The artwork is printed on Bockingford Inkjet Fine Art Paper, known for its translucent qualities and protected by a layer of art-grade varnish. The frame is made from sustainably procured oak wood, spray painted with Jet Black double-coated paint, and hand-polished. The precision of the design is evident in the 576 LED bulb tray, where each illuminated letter is displayed with utmost clarity.

But Motiva is more than just a piece of art on your wall. It is a technological marvel. Motion and light sensors are concealed within its body, allowing it to detect movement and adjust its luminosity accordingly. This not only enhances the viewer's experience but also reduces power consumption. Motiva is cordless and relies on a powerful and long-lasting battery for energy supply.

Interacting with Motiva is simple and intuitive. After hanging it on the wall, the viewer can switch it on and enjoy the experience. The motion sensors detect the ambient traffic in the room and display quotes in a random sequence, maintaining an element of surprise. When the room is empty, Motiva conserves energy by not displaying any quotes. Charging is easy, done by connecting Motiva to a power source using the provided USB-C cable.

The journey of Motiva began in 2018 with the ideation of the concept. After four years of research and development, it was softly launched in Design London in 2022 and officially began online sales and international shipping in 2023. The design of Motiva posed several challenges, from preserving a traditional art look while integrating powerful technology to selecting the right materials and concealing the technological components. These challenges were overcome through meticulous research, collaboration, and innovation.

Motiva has garnered recognition for its exceptional design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2023 for its creative and ingenious approach to art installation. This award recognizes designs that incorporate best practices in art, science, design, and technology, contributing to quality of life improvements.

In a world saturated with messages and fighting for attention, Motiva creates a new space, a new pace, and a new way to inspire, evolve, and grow. It is a testament to the power of words, art, and technology, coming together to create a truly unique and immersive experience.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ronen Shilo
Image Credits: Image #1 Motiva, Construction and Deconstruction, 2022 Image #2 Motiva, StrongHer, 2022 Image #3 Motiva, 2021 Image #4 Motiva, L'Envol, 2022 Image #5 Motiva, 2022
Project Team Members: Ronen Shilo Royi Shaish Arnon Gilboa Hagit Halperin Maor Osher Roy Gen Sharon Livneh
Project Name: Motiva
Project Client: Ronen Shilo

Motiva  IMG #2
Motiva  IMG #3
Motiva  IMG #4
Motiva  IMG #5
Motiva  IMG #5

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