Eighteen: An Art Installation Defining a Milestone

Ketan Jawdekar's Award-Winning Design Celebrates Elle Decor India's 18th Anniversary

Eighteen, an art installation by Ketan Jawdekar, is a unique celebration of Elle Decor India's 18th anniversary. This interactive installation, which was showcased at the India Design Symposium Expo, explores the significance of turning eighteen and the perception of reality.

The inspiration for this design comes from the importance of the age eighteen in everyone's life. As Jawdekar explains, turning eighteen is not just about reaching a numerical milestone but is a transformative phase in life. It signifies maturity, exploration, and the ability to discern between illusion and reality.

What sets Eighteen apart from other art installations is its multidimensional nature. The installation is a cube made up of three-dimensional mirror alphabets spelling 'eighteen'. This composition provides viewers with multiple dimensions and insights, offering a different experience each time the viewer changes their angle of vision. The kaleidoscope of reflections created by the installation is a joyful experience that conveys the significance of understanding mirage and reality in life.

The creation of Eighteen involved a meticulous process of sketching, designing, and construction. The cube is made up of three-dimensional acrylic letters, cut using laser cutting tools and clad with laser-cut 2mm thick acrylic mirror. Each alphabet in the spelling of 'Eighteen' was constructed separately and assembled to form a composition to form a cube.

Throughout the design process, material selection was a significant challenge. The designers experimented with various mirrors and mirror finish glossy surfaces. The aim was to achieve slim edge detail, which was not possible with actual mirrors due to their thickness. The solution was found in using 2mm thick acrylic mirror, which reduced the edge joinery thickness.

Eighteen has been recognized for its innovative design and was awarded Platinum in A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that contribute to societal wellbeing and advance the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology.

In conclusion, Eighteen is not just an art installation but a reflection of a significant phase in life. It is a testament to Ketan Jawdekar's innovative approach to design, using art to explore and express the complexities of human experience.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ketan Jawdekar
Image Credits: Image 1: Creator Alireza Mirza Image 2: Creator Alireza Mirza Image 3: Creator Alireza Mirza Image 4: Creator Alireza Mirza Image 5: Photographer Sameer Chawda
Project Team Members: Ketan Jawdekar Akshay Tathe Alireza Mirza
Project Name: Eighteen
Project Client: Ketan Jawdekar

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