Ganzhi Calculator: A Unique Pedant Design by Lingsong Jin

Reviving the Sexagenary Cycle in a Portable and Stylish Accessory

The Ganzhi Calculator is a stunning pedant design by Lingsong Jin that aims to revive the traditional Chinese sexagenary cycle in a portable and stylish accessory. With its unique features and meticulous craftsmanship, this design offers a new way to understand the logic of how the Stem and Branch Families collaborate.

The sexagenary cycle, also known as the Stems-and-Branches or Gan Zhi, is a cycle of sixty terms used for reckoning time in China and other East Asian cultural spheres. Traditionally, this concept has been represented by large disc-like calendars that list all sixty combinations between the Stem and Branch Families. However, these calendars are not portable and make it difficult for younger generations to connect with this abstract concept.

Lingsong Jin's Ganzhi Calculator breaks this barrier by presenting the sexagenary cycle in a dynamic and wearable form. The pendant design features two rotating discs, one representing the Stem and the other the Branch, which can be manually adjusted to convert the Gregorian year to the traditional sexagenary cycle year.

Manufactured using die-cast and polished stainless steel, the Ganzhi Calculator showcases the meticulous craftsmanship of a goldsmith. Some components of the pendant are even plated in gold, adding a touch of luxury to the design. With dimensions of 39mm in length, 20.5mm in width, and 5.2mm in thickness, this pedant is both elegant and compact.

Operating the Ganzhi Calculator is simple yet engaging. Users select the closest year of 甲子 (jiǎ zǐ), the beginning year of a new sexagenary cycle, engraved on the side wall of the pendant. By rotating the discs, the Stem and Branch characters align with the corresponding years, allowing users to convert the Gregorian year to the sexagenary cycle year.

One of the unique features of this design is the addition of the Chinese zodiac year on the backside of the pendant. For example, in the year 2019, which is the year of the pig, users can add the pig symbol to further personalize their accessory.

Lingsong Jin's Ganzhi Calculator has received recognition for its ingenuity and creativity. In 2019, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design category. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate outstanding technical and creative skills, contributing to quality of life improvements.

The Ganzhi Calculator pedant is not only a functional accessory but also a cultural statement. By making the sexagenary cycle accessible and fashionable, Lingsong Jin aims to promote this traditional Chinese concept to a global audience. With its unique design and meticulous craftsmanship, the Ganzhi Calculator is a true testament to the fusion of art, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lingsong Jin
Image Credits: Lingsong Jin
Project Team Members: Lingsong Jin
Project Name: Ganzhi Calculater
Project Client: Lingsong Jin

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