Marquise: A Sustainable Icon of Barranquilla

A Monument that Represents The New Age of The City

Inspired by the marquise diamond cut, the Marquise design by Ricardo De Castro is set to become the new icon of Barranquilla, Colombia's port city. This sustainable glass and steel structure not only showcases architectural art but also contributes to the city's environmental, social, and economic well-being.

The Marquise design aims to represent the new age of Barranquilla, a city rich in heritage and cultural treasures. It features a glass and steel structure surrounded by a mirror of water, which hides two concrete tanks capable of collecting rainwater. This innovative design not only prevents contamination and collapse of local drain lines but also allows for the reuse of water for irrigation in surrounding areas.

One of the unique features of the Marquise is its two ramps that descend between green walls to a central plaza, surrounded by waterfalls. This design element creates a captivating experience for visitors, enticing them to discover countless sensations throughout the tour.

At the top of the structure, an observation deck provides visitors with a firsthand view of the union of the swamp, the river, and the sea. This breathtaking panoramic view offers a new identity to both current and future generations of Barranquilla.

The Marquise design incorporates various technologies to achieve its sustainability goals. Photovoltaic solar panels shaped like aluminum trees surround the perimeter, providing renewable energy. The metal access ramps descend between concrete walls, housing two tanks with reinforced concrete caps that serve as a basis for the floor to the water mirror. The facade is made with aluminum profiles that support straight crystals of colorless features and varied shades.

With a height of 145 meters, the Marquise is the tallest obelisk in Latin America. Its LED system illuminates the structure, creating a stunning visual display. This design not only serves as a monument but also offers a commercial space of 200 square meters at its circular base.

The Marquise design was a result of extensive research on the symbolic meaning of monuments and the specific variables of the project location. The design team focused on addressing the problem of stormwater overflow in the area, reviewing data on storm tanks and water collection systems. This research influenced the formal and functional configuration of the project.

The Marquise design presented several challenges, including the need to create a monument that not only represented cultural identity but also made a positive environmental, social, and economic contribution to Barranquilla. The design successfully achieved these goals by incorporating sustainable features and becoming an iconic symbol for the city.

The Marquise design, created by architect Ricardo De Castro, was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award recognizes designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ricardo De Castro
Image Credits: Image#1,2,3,4,5/ 3D Visualitation / 2017 Video Credits: Balele Agency / 2017
Project Team Members: Architect Ricardo De Castro
Project Name: Marquise
Project Client: Ricardo De Castro

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