Jungle Society: A Celebration of Diversity and Femininity

WeWantMore's Empowering Swimwear Brand Breaks Luxury Fashion Norms

Belgian design team WeWantMore has created a vibrant, empowering brand identity for swimwear line Jungle Society, celebrating femininity and diversity. The brand, which was launched in May 2018, is designed for real, authentic women who appreciate quality and luxury.

With an all-inclusive vision, Jungle Society's founder Amanda aimed to look beyond the perfect image of bikini models and focus on real women from all around the world, in all shapes and sizes. The design team drew inspiration from the sunny atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro, with its colorful urban vibe, culture, and nature, perfectly reflecting the brand's name.

The unique properties of the brand lie in its celebration of femininity in all its forms. The brand was developed on a foundation of female empowerment, encouraging women to enjoy life to the fullest and embrace every aspect of themselves. The brand's strong color combinations, energetic and spontaneous photography, and high-quality materials and finishings set it apart from other luxury fashion brands.

The design realization technology used for the brand's packaging, bags, hangtags, stationary, business cards, and envelopes includes Pantone, CMYK, and gold foil printing. The lookbook was printed in CMYK, Spot UV, and gold foil printing, adding an extra touch of summer to the brand.

The brand's visual identity is a bold and colorful brand identity, with a base of royal blue and gold combined with four bright poppy colors based on tropical flowers and fruits. This mix of 'Jungle' and 'Society' is as diverse as the women the brand is made for. The brand's unique positioning within the high-end swimwear market is due to its bold, colorful, and vivid style, which sets it apart from other luxury fashion brands.

Jungle Society was built on a foundation of female empowerment and diversity. This is visually translated into an extroverted and colorful brand identity. A base of cobalt blue and gold is combined with 4 poppy colors based on tropical flowers and fruits, aiming for an accurate mix of Jungle and Society. All items are mixed randomly creating a set of combinations as diverse as the women they're made for. All packaging and print materials are produced with high quality materials & finishings.

The design was awarded the Golden A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2019, a prestigious accolade granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: WeWantMore
Image Credits: Photography : WeWantMore
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Michiel de Vreede Designer: Lotte Neirynck Designer: Jochem de Weert Designer: Johannes Stoll Copywriter: Sabine Neddermeyer Lookbook models photography: Liselotte Fleur
Project Name: Jungle Society
Project Client: WeWantMore

Jungle Society IMG #2
Jungle Society IMG #3
Jungle Society IMG #4
Jungle Society IMG #5
Jungle Society IMG #5

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