Panasonic 100th Anniversary Exhibition: Connecting Humanity, Technology, and the Future

Transforming the Concept of Time into a Captivating Exhibition

Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd

As time goes by, Panasonic continues to advance in technology while maintaining its unwavering commitment to people-oriented solutions. In celebration of its 100th anniversary, Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd has designed an exhibition that encapsulates Panasonic's brand concept, connecting humanity, technology, sustainability, and the future. This exhibition also addresses pressing global issues such as climate change, technological advancements, population aging, and food sustainability, highlighting the company's corporate social responsibility.

Based on the concept of time, the exhibition features twelve interconnected circular areas, symbolizing the connection between the present and the future. Each area represents the spirit of research and development from ten companies within Panasonic Group in Taiwan, spanning six key fields. Additionally, Taiwanese design teams were invited to participate in the exhibition design, focusing on the six major global issues: food, manufacturing, communication, environment, health, and logistics.

The exhibition showcases the integration of factory automation, semiconductor storage, green technology, artificial intelligence, manufacturing, and communication. By utilizing Panasonic's cutting-edge technology, the exhibition aims to bridge the gap between people and science, bringing them closer to the wonders of technology.

The exhibition is divided into two main circular regions. The first region, titled "FUTURE Is Now," tells the story of Panasonic's R&D progress in studios, galleries, laboratories, creative factories, homes, and unmanned stores. The second region, "Now Is FUTURE," features the creative contributions of Taiwanese design teams, emphasizing the six major global issues. Through this exhibition, Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd aims to ignite the imagination of visitors and inspire them to envision a better future.

The project, which began in November 2018, took place in Taipei, Taiwan. Throughout the design process, Inception faced the challenge of combining technology with branding to create an exhibition that seamlessly integrates art, aesthetics, and the target audience. The result is a captivating experience that effectively communicates Panasonic's concept and values to those who aspire to shape the future world through progressive technology.

This remarkable design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2019. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, resourcefulness, and technical skills. The Panasonic 100th Anniversary Exhibition exemplifies the fusion of art, science, design, and technology, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd
Image Credits: Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd
Project Team Members: Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd
Project Name: Future - Future
Project Client: Inception Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd

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