Pucks Blue: A Modern and Avant-Garde Residence

Blending Social Interaction and Alternative Living Conditions

Taking social interaction as the starting point, the Pucks Blue residence by Changching Chien closely blends people's current life with the multiple changes of space form, conveying the beauty pursuit of the new generation of residents and the spiritual proposition of alternative living conditions.

The Pucks Blue residence stands out with its unique approach to design, pushing the boundaries of visual artistry and physical sensibility. The designer, Changching Chien, replaces excessive decoration and stacking of elements with a contrast of colors, creating an implicit power that enhances the intuitive feeling of the beauty of the space.

One of the standout features of the Pucks Blue residence is the use of geometric local blocks, which strengthen the variety of levels and aesthetic interest in the interior. Breaking away from the traditional rectangular style, the designer incorporates dynamic line relationships and straight lines to enhance the three-dimensional sense of space.

With a project area of 410 square meters, the Pucks Blue residence is a testament to modern home concepts that go beyond the rules of traditional residences. The skylight ceiling decoration and non-parallel facade increase the variability of the space structure, creating a visual enjoyment and emotional infection that elevates the living experience.

Located in Dibao, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China, the Pucks Blue residence project started on June 30, 2021, and was completed on March 1, 2022. Throughout the design process, Changching Chien drew inspiration from the owner's childhood memories and experiences of foreign life, represented by the colors blue and white. The use of blue and white artistic paint evokes the owner's inner feelings and creates an elegant, pure, and avant-garde living room.

The Pucks Blue residence overcame several challenges to create a space that is both changeable and avant-garde. By breaking the sense of distance in functional areas and weakening the boundary division, the designer has created a more trendy social experience. The visual boundaries are further weakened through tone processing, resulting in a sense of flexibility.

In this design, Changching Chien prioritized the owner's free and unrestrained living habits and desire for sociability. The non-traditional spatial order and construction layout were crucial in realizing the indoor visual art and elevating the living experience. Irregular blocks were strategically used to avoid the display of materials in a miscellaneous manner, while the intersection of blue and white showcases the avant-garde, modern, trendy, and unrestrained life attitude of the residents.

The Pucks Blue residence, captured beautifully by photographer Changle WU, has been recognized for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award honors designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Changching Chien
Image Credits: Photography: Changle WU
Project Team Members: Changching Chien
Project Name: Pucks Blue
Project Client: Changching Chien

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