Alive: A Biophilic Design Object by Marcele Kuliesiute

Reviving Public Spaces with Nature-Inspired Movement

Marcele Kuliesiute's 'Alive' is a design object that brings the soothing rhythm of nature into urban environments. Inspired by the principles of biophilic design, this innovative piece aims to foster a deeper connection between humans and the natural world, enhancing productivity, creativity, and well-being.

Biophilic design is a concept rooted in the biophilia hypothesis, which suggests that humans have an innate desire to connect with nature. As urbanization accelerates, designers like Kuliesiute are leveraging this concept to create living spaces that harmoniously blend modernity with nature. 'Alive' is a testament to this approach, embodying the vitality of nature and reminding us to cherish our natural environment.

What sets 'Alive' apart is its dynamic nature. Inspired by water, the life-giving foundation of all living things, this design object is intended for public interiors, offices, and various public spaces. It operates on the principle that rhythm or movement, as perceived in nature, leaves a strong impression and has a positive impact on humans. The design uses simple mechanics to create a soothing, calming effect, mimicking the gentle flow of water.

The realization of 'Alive' presented two main challenges: creating simple, cost-effective mechanics to move the particles within the object, and developing a durable yet flexible covering that could effectively express the effect of movement. The solution was a construction of MDF powered by a small, strong motor, covered with neoprene and adorned with 2000 specially designed plexiglass details.

The project, which began in February 2019 and concluded in June 2019, was carried out at the Vilnius Academy of Arts in Lithuania. It was exhibited at the Titanikas gallery in Vilnius from June to July 2018. The design process was underpinned by extensive research into biophilic design and its benefits in modern, urban environments. The result is a design object that not only embodies the movement of water but also serves as a reminder of the importance of nurturing our natural environment.

'Alive' has been recognized for its innovative approach to design, winning the Golden A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2020. This prestigious award is given to exceptional creations that reflect the designer's ingenuity and wisdom, and that significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics. 'Alive' certainly fits this description, serving as a beacon of the potential of biophilic design in our increasingly urbanized world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Marcele Kuliesiute
Image Credits: Video Credits: Lukas Keizikas
Project Team Members: Marcele Kuliesiute
Project Name: Alive
Project Client: Marcele Kuliesiute

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