Lamborghini Exhibition Center

Exhibition Center

The Lamborghini Exhibition Center, designed by PolyMorphArchitects, draws inspiration from Lamborghini's classic vehicle design. The building features a dynamic, twisting form that creates a strong visual impact and reflects the brand's powerful lines and angles. This architectural landmark showcases Lamborghini's handling performance and respects the client's culture, offering a unique and immersive experience.

This Lamborghini Exhibition Center stands out as the brand's third independent designed exhibition center globally. With a total area of 1030 square meters, it encompasses four main functional spaces: a new car exhibition area, an automobile sales servicshop 4S, a VIP Lounge, and a management office. The design prioritizes the spaces required for an exhibition hall while incorporating the client's culture as a key driver of the project.

The realization of the Lamborghini Exhibition Center utilizes advanced technology and design techniques. The building is surrounded by a continuously revolving facade, creating a seamless integration with the surrounding site. The use of parallelograms and triangles as a base language allows for the creation of continuous surfaces and windows that interweave with the building's form. The design features continuous horizontal striations coupled with vertical twists, activating the entire space.

Visitors to the Lamborghini Exhibition Center can engage in a spatial dialogue with the exterior environment through the unique design and spatial characteristics of the windows. The building's interior offers a captivating experience, reminiscent of driving a special supercar, while maintaining a strong connection between indoor and outdoor views. The design also incorporates a programmatic twist between the two floors, creating a visual corridor that adds elegance to the space and welcomes new visitors.

The Lamborghini Exhibition Center, completed in 2019, is located in Zhengzhou, China. The selection of this city center location presented a challenge due to the limited options for realizing the exhibition center space. However, the design successfully mediates between the constraints of the site, reflecting Lamborghini's corporate spirit and creating a truly exceptional architectural landmark.

The Lamborghini Exhibition Center has been recognized for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2020 in the category of Architecture, Building, and Structure Design. This prestigious award acknowledges the center's well-designed, practical, and innovative features that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Lamborghini Exhibition Center stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to pushing boundaries and creating exceptional designs.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chuan Wang
Image Credits: Image #1,2,3,4,5: Xia Zhi
Project Team Members: Principal Architect: Chuan wang Architecture and Interior Design Team: Pingshan Qu, Yan Xue, Bo Zhao, Tao Li, Diego Ramirez, Filippo Ogliani, Rossella Corica, Qingqing Zhang, Ting Xu, Qiyuan Liu, Qingjun Tan, Chidi Wang Landscape Design Team: Xiaoyi Teng, Haitao Ma
Project Name: Lamborghini Zhengzhou
Project Client: Chuan Wang

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