Urban Rhythm: Blending Art and Function in Residential Design

Creating a Harmonious Space for Modern Living

Inspired by the need for spiritual relaxation and peace in today's busy world, YungHsi Peng and PeiChi Hung of ParnShyr Design have created Urban Rhythm, a residential project that seamlessly blends practicality, aesthetics, and art. This unique design combines Eastern and Western influences to create a contemporary space that exudes elegance and tranquility.

Urban Rhythm stands out from other residential designs with its focus on creating a space that not only meets the practical needs of modern living but also provides a sense of artistic beauty. The designers have ingeniously mixed Eastern and Western art forms, incorporating elements of structuralism to create a space that is both visually stunning and functional.

The design of Urban Rhythm is characterized by its use of natural and original materials, both on the exterior and interior. The first floor, known as the greeting hall, features warm-toned beige Travertine, soft lighting, and teak cubes, creating a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. On the second floor, a space for entertaining and discussing, metal installation arts take center stage, with black metal and glass partitions dividing the meeting areas.

One of the standout features of Urban Rhythm is its use of a hexagon grid design. This tightly packed but simple natural element not only provides a visually stunning view from inside the building but also helps to prevent strong direct sunlight, thus maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. The hexagon grid design also adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of the space, creating a sense of grandeur and visual performance.

Despite the challenges posed by the limited building height and available land, the designers have maximized the use of space in Urban Rhythm. The result is a complex yet well-designed space that meets the diverse needs of its residents. The careful selection of materials, the incorporation of art and humanities, and the sensible layout all contribute to a harmonious and functional living environment.

Urban Rhythm is not just a residential project; it is a spiritual retreat that offers a feast for the senses. The combination of art, design, and thoughtful layout creates a space that evokes different emotions and feelings in all who visit. It is a testament to the designers' experimental spirit and considerate design that Urban Rhythm has become a place of tranquility and inspiration.

Completed in February 2019 in New Taipei City, Taiwan, Urban Rhythm is a testament to the designers' dedication to creating unique and innovative spaces. This project has been recognized with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in 2020. The award acknowledges the outstanding creativity and ingenuity of the design, as well as its contribution to improving the quality of life for its residents.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yung-Hsi Peng, Pei-Chi Hung, Parn Shyr
Image Credits: PARN SHYR DESIGN Co., Ltd.
Project Team Members: Pei Chi Hung, Yung Hsi Peng
Project Name: Urban Rhythm
Project Client: Yung-Hsi Peng, Pei-Chi Hung, Parn Shyr

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