Revolutionizing Architecture Education: Patrick Schweitzer S&AA's Faculty Architecture

Award-winning design fuses traditional materials with modern aesthetics in Rwanda

Patrick Schweitzer S&AA's Faculty Architecture, an innovative education school design in Rwanda, has garnered international recognition for its unique blend of traditional materials and contemporary design principles. The project, which won the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2020, is a testament to the transformative power of architecture in shaping educational spaces.

The Faculty Architecture project was born out of an international call for tender by the Rwandan government in 2012. The brief was to design a new architecture school that could accommodate 600 students on a 5,600 sq.m. site. Patrick Schweitzer S&AA responded with a design that was both simple and complex, drawing inspiration from the tectonic forces that shape the earth's land masses. The result is a two-level structure with a central gap that serves as an outdoor area for students.

One of the defining features of the Faculty Architecture is its use of local materials. The exterior envelope is made of stone, while the interior is crafted from self-coloured concrete. This choice of materials not only reflects the local environment but also contributes to the building's unique aesthetic. Small outward-facing windows and large inward-facing windows, protected from the sun by roof overhangs, further enhance the building's functionality and design.

The project was not without its challenges. Managing the project from France, with a relay on site, and using only local materials presented significant logistical hurdles. However, the design team, which included SetAA, EAACON, EGIS, CATIC, and Acte 2 paysage, rose to the occasion, delivering a project that is both visually striking and functionally effective.

The Faculty Architecture is more than just a building; it is a symbol of Rwanda's commitment to education and architectural innovation. It is a space designed to train the future architects of a developing African country whose population is set to double by 2050. As such, it stands as a testament to the transformative power of architecture and design.

The project's success is reflected in its accolades. The Faculty Architecture was awarded the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2020, a prestigious recognition granted to outstanding creations that advance art, science, design, and technology. This award is a testament to the project's excellence and its significant impact on the world of architecture.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Patrick Schweitzer S&AA
Image Credits: Photo : Edwin SEda, Emmanuel Cattier, Jules Toulet
Project Team Members: Architect of record : SetAA Associate architect : EAACON Construction : EGIS Entreprise : CATIC Landscape architect : Acte 2 paysage
Project Name: Faculty Architecture of Kigali
Project Client: Patrick Schweitzer S&AA

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Faculty Architecture of Kigali IMG #5
Faculty Architecture of Kigali IMG #5

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