Truffle Forest: A Futuristic Residential Design

Inspired by the Mikado Pheasant

Inspired by the life and natural pouring water, the design team at Tai+ Associates borrowed the feathers of the national bird Mikado Pheasant to conceal the dazzling beauty and applied it conceptually in this case. The marble pattern, titanium-plated iron parts, lighting color changes, and special lamps in the public area bring meticulous and changeable decorative aesthetics. With a soft and direct image of Mikado Pheasant, it brings nobleness to the client.

Truffle Forest, designed by Tai+ Associates, is a residential project that pushes the boundaries of modernism with its futuristic design concept. The design team used innovative thinking and presentation techniques to create a space that is truly unique and different from traditional residential designs. The interlaced opposition of spaces breaks away from the conventional three-bedroom and two-bathroom layout, maximizing both indoor and outdoor areas.

The construction methods employed in Truffle Forest are a testament to the design team's creativity. By interlacing different materials and geometries, each of the largest spaces in the house contains plenty of privacy within the hosting space. The design features a harmonious blend of titanium plate metal, wood, and electrified glass, shaping virtual compartments and permeability.

The silver-gray wood marble and wooden veneer with vertical patterns create a consistent spatial feeling throughout the house. The living room ceiling, adorned with wooden veneer, and the outdoor light strip on the wooden floor add to the spatial hierarchy. The layout between the living room and the dining room breaks away from convention, creating a distinct separation between the host and the guest.

The walk-in closet in Truffle Forest is designed to maximize space. By reducing the use of wall cabinets, the design team has created a more open and spacious area. The titanium-plated champagne gold accents illuminate the space, while wooden shelves covered with Hermes orange leather add a touch of luxury. The use of dark blue fluoric acid glass sets off the light and heavy relationship, adding to the futuristic aesthetic of the design.

Truffle Forest also features a unique outdoor balcony made of stainless steel, marble, and teak wood parquet. The balcony incorporates a water curtain, a bar, and plantations, creating a post-modern landscape design that seamlessly blends technology and nature.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Truffle Forest is also a smart home. The design team has integrated all lighting, air conditioning, curtains, and even outdoor water curtain facilities into a smart home system, allowing the client to have the freedom to adjust their lifestyle according to their preferences. The attention to detail and the client's needs are evident in every space, resulting in a refreshing and functional design.

Truffle Forest was completed in 2017 and is a testament to the design team's meticulous research and attention to detail. The design was inspired by the image of the Mikado Pheasant bird, and the interlaced titanium plate screens and detailed lamps are a highlight of the space. The integration of smart home systems, glass technology materials, and a focus on creating a secret feeling make Truffle Forest a truly unique and extraordinary design.

Truffle Forest, designed by Tai+ Associates, was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2021. This prestigious award recognizes designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tai Chen
Image Credits: Tai+ Associates
Project Team Members: Tai Chen CT Chang LT Chen YW Cheng PY Lin YC Pan PJ Ho
Project Name: Truffle Forest
Project Client: Tai Chen

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