SciFest Los Angeles

Festival Identity System

Inspired by the science fiction movie “Interstellar,” designer Ching-Fa Lung developed a dimensional typeface as the main visual language for the SciFest Los Angeles festival identity system.

SciFest LA is a hypothetical 8-day film festival devoted to showcasing science fiction movies. By curating classic science fiction movies from 1970 to 2017, the audience can enjoy all different types and sub-genres of science fiction movies such as action, animation, and mystery through the festival.

All of the posters in the festival are designed to interact with augmented reality, allowing viewers to experience the dimensionalities of the posters and interact with them. This creates a unique and immersive experience for festival-goers, blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds.

The festival's app and website also incorporate kinetic 3D graphic treatments, providing users with a glimpse into the events and contents that will be hosted during the festival. This adds an extra layer of excitement and anticipation for attendees, enhancing their overall experience.

The design process utilized various software from the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. Additionally, Maxon Cinema 4D was used for 3D graphic elements. Artivive and Spark AR software were employed to create augmented reality experiences, further pushing the boundaries of design and technology.

Challenges faced during the project included re-designing a pre-existing event and creating a holistic design experience through branding. However, the result is a visually stunning and immersive festival identity system that captures the essence of science fiction and provides a unique experience for attendees.

The SciFest Los Angeles festival identity system was developed in Pasadena, with the project starting in December 2017 and concluding in December 2019. The extensive research conducted by the designer involved watching and observing classic science fiction movies to draw inspiration and capture the main design elements that represent the sci-fi festival.

This innovative design has been recognized and awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2021. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The SciFest Los Angeles festival identity system stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to creating a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ching-Fa Lung
Image Credits: Ching-Fa Lung
Project Team Members: Ching-Fa Lung
Project Name: SciFest Los Angeles
Project Client: Ching-Fa Lung

SciFest Los Angeles IMG #2
SciFest Los Angeles IMG #3
SciFest Los Angeles IMG #4
SciFest Los Angeles IMG #5
SciFest Los Angeles IMG #5

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