Pan To Kome: A Branding Tool Connecting Europe and Japan

Uniting Crafts and Cultures Through Design

The Pan To Kome branding tool, designed by Taiki Kato, brings together the rich traditions of Japanese craftsmanship and the European market. Inspired by the fruitful climate of Japan and the ancient form of Japanese Kanji characters, this innovative design aims to connect people and promote the excellence of Japanese crafts.

At the heart of the Pan To Kome project is the desire to showcase the prominence of craftsmen and their fine crafts. Taiki Kato, the creative mind behind this branding tool, sought to create a visual identity that would bridge the gap between Europe and Japan. The concept of "to connect" was brought to life using the symbol of a plus sign, symbolizing the binding of "Pan" (Europe, meaning bread) and "Kome" (Japan, meaning rice).

What sets Pan To Kome apart is its unique approach to communication. Instead of relying on letters, the design uses a motif that visually portrays the message. The outer frame of the design resembles a dish, representing a platform that connects people. This clever use of symbolism creates a brand experience that resonates with both Europeans and Japanese, fostering a sense of Japan for Europeans and a feeling of affinity for the Japanese.

Taiki Kato's design process involved extensive research into the history and strength of Japanese characters. By studying the characteristics of ancient characters and consulting with craftsmen, he was able to incorporate their techniques and spirits into the logo. The result is a design that reflects the climate and history of Japan, while also showcasing the craftsmanship and technology of the artisans.

One of the challenges faced during the design process was finding the right balance between modern and traditional elements. Taiki Kato also had to carefully select the primary color, as the initial choice of black had unintended connotations in a European country. Through meticulous research and experimentation, the final design achieved the desired balance and resonance with the target audience.

The Pan To Kome branding tool has two main missions: to introduce Japanese crafts to Europe and to spread Japanese techniques from Japan to Europe. It will be used for an online shop and potentially for retail shops in the future, providing a unique brand experience for both parties.

Recognized for its innovation and practicality, the Pan To Kome branding tool was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2017. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that meet professional and industrial requirements, integrating industry best practices and demonstrating competent technical characteristics. The Pan To Kome design not only fulfills these criteria but also contributes to a better world by promoting cultural exchange and appreciation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Taiki Kato
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Taiki Kato, Innovator, 2016 Image #2: Photographer Taiki Kato, Innovator, 2016 Image #3: Photographer Taiki Kato, Innovator, 2016 Image #4: Photographer Taiki Kato, Innovator, 2016 Image #5: Photographer Taiki Kato, Innovator, 2016
Project Team Members: Creative Producer: Masaki Hoshiyama Bilingual Manager: Sayaka Ito
Project Name: Innovator
Project Client: Taiki Kato

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