Puppet: A Revolutionary Approach to Children's Medicine Packaging

Designer Sally Xu Transforms the Medication Experience with Innovative Packaging

In a world where the design of children's medicine packaging often overlooks the behavioral characteristics of sick children and their parents, Sally Xu's Puppet project brings a fresh perspective. This innovative design, which won the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2021, focuses on improving the medication experience for children and easing the process for parents.

Sally Xu was inspired by the challenges parents face when administering medicine to their children. In China, where there are about 230 million children, the majority take granules when they have a cold. Parents often struggle with dividing the medicine according to the child's age and weight, and children can be resistant or even afraid of taking medicine. This can lead to a negative experience and potentially cause psychological distress for the child. Xu's Puppet project aims to address these issues with a more humane packaging design.

The Puppet project is a Chinese-made children's cold medicine packaging that is designed to be used according to the child's age. For example, children aged 1-3 years are given half a bag each time. The packaging bags are designed as cute animal figures and are split into two halves. This design not only solves the problem of dividing medicine for parents but also improves the child's medication experience. Parents can hold the package as a puppet, making the process more engaging and less intimidating for the child.

The Puppet packaging is made from coated paper for the outer box and a compounding film bag for the inner bag. The design does not require any changes to the original material; only the template needs to be changed. The packaging bag is separated in the middle, allowing for accurate division of the granule dose. The opening can be opened half a bag at a time or a whole bag at a time, providing flexibility and ease of use.

The Puppet project was developed in Guangzhou, China, from January to June 2020. The design team, which included Chen Jiayi, He Ge, Cao Xue, Lin Huangtao, Wang Liang, Duan Hongli, and Xu Mengzhen, conducted in-depth research and analysis to understand the main issues with current children's medicine packaging on the market. They combined this research with insights from children's developmental psychology to create a packaging design that is beneficial for both sick children and their parents.

Despite the challenges, the Puppet project has made significant contributions to improving the medication experience for children and their parents. From a social perspective, it addresses the difficulties of feeding medicine to children and inaccurate doses. From a cultural perspective, it aims to create a more positive experience for children during their illness, helping them understand that taking medicine can be an intimate interaction with their parents or even a fun game.

In conclusion, Sally Xu's Puppet project is a testament to the power of design in improving everyday experiences. This innovative approach to children's medicine packaging not only solves practical problems but also brings joy and positivity to a typically challenging process. It is a worthy winner of the Silver A' Packaging Design Award and a shining example of design innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Fuxi Lab of CR999
Image Credits: Image #1-5: Designer GAFA and CR-999, Goodbaby Cold Medicine Packaging Design, 2020.
Project Team Members: Chen Jiayi, He Ge, Cao Xue(Advisor), Lin Huangtao(Advisor), Wang Liang, Duan Hongli, Xu Mengzhen.
Project Name: Puppet
Project Client: Fuxi Lab of CR999

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