Reba Dilbert's 'Woman in Power': A Symbol of Resilience and Strength

Award-Winning Costume Design Celebrates Breast Cancer Survivors and Abuse Victims

Reba Dilbert, a self-taught designer, has created a powerful statement piece, 'Woman in Power', that pays homage to women's battles, specifically those who are breast cancer survivors and victims of abuse. This design, which won the Silver A' Performing Arts, Stage, Style and Scenery Design Award in 2021, is a testament to women's strength and resilience.

The 'Woman in Power' design is inspired by the global representation of breast cancer and domestic abuse – pink and purple. The costume creates a fan-like shape adorned with feathers, symbolizing women's ability to stand tall and overcome physical and emotional battles. This design is not just a piece of art, but a story of survival and empowerment.

What sets this design apart is its unique representation of the designer's personal story and the symbolism of women's power and strength. Dilbert, a self-taught designer from the Cayman Islands, has used her skills to transform pain and challenges into a piece of art that inspires other women.

The costume was handmade from scratch, using a combination of various fabrics such as spandex, lace, and embellishments like sequins. The foundation that created the sculpted piece is framed with metal wire and bonded using a special technique. This meticulous process reflects the time and effort that went into creating this powerful representation.

The project, which started in July 2018 and was completed in December 2019, was not without its challenges. The most demanding aspect was sculpting the design with the metal wire, which required extensive time to carve, frame, and secure before the fabric base could be applied. However, the most significant challenge was the mental aspect of converting a dark personal story into an uplifting and vibrant design.

'Woman in Power' is more than just a costume; it's a symbol of the strength and resilience of women. Dilbert hopes that when women see the design, they are reminded of their power and their rightful place in the world. The design has been recognized for its creativity and professional excellence, winning the Silver A' Performing Arts, Stage, Style and Scenery Design Award in 2021.

In conclusion, Reba Dilbert's 'Woman in Power' is a powerful testament to women's strength and resilience. It's a design that not only stands out for its artistic skill and technical excellence but also for its ability to inspire and empower. It's a reminder that every woman has the power to overcome challenges and take up space in this world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Reba Dilbert
Image Credits: Reba Dilbert
Project Team Members: Reba Dilbert
Project Name: Woman in Power
Project Client: Reba Dilbert

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