Shangri La: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation in Wine Packaging

Pufine Advertising Ltd. Co. Crafts a Unique Wine Packaging Inspired by Oriental Ink Painting

Shangri La, a unique wine packaging design by Pufine Advertising Ltd. Co., blends traditional Oriental ink painting with innovative design techniques to create a visually stunning representation of the wine's quality and origin.

The inspiration behind Shangri La comes from the winding growth posture of old grape trees and the mottled traces of years. The designers believe that the longer the tree age, the higher the wine level, a concept that they have beautifully encapsulated in their design. The aim was to use the traditional culture of the East to interpret this series of wine, expanding the boundaries of culture and blend.

What sets Shangri La apart from other wine packaging designs is its unique properties. The entire series includes three products, each drawing creative inspiration from traditional Oriental ink painting. Each product, with its ink shading of natural texture, represents the wine's flowing rhythm. When combined, the three products resemble a winding and tough old vine trunk. Furthermore, each product is associated with an animal from the wine's producing area: a colorful butterfly representing air, Pisces symbolizing water, and a pika signifying soil.

The wine label of Shangri La is made of kapok paper with a rough texture, mimicking the rough texture of an old tree surface. This texture is achieved using a convex technology. The design specifications of the packaging are 300mm in length, 90mm in width, and 90mm in height.

The design team behind Shangri La includes Wang Yang, the designer, Xia Ling, the creative director, and Zhou Xiaoli, the customer service director. The project began in October 2019 and was completed in August 2020. The design process involved extensive research into the origin of the red wine series, located in high altitude areas. The pure air, water, and soil of these areas create a high-quality ecological environment, resulting in a wine made from the fruits of old grape trees. The older the trees, the higher the wine quality, making it a collectible item.

One of the challenges faced during the design process was creating the texture of a grape trunk on eco-friendly kapok paper. The team overcame this challenge using concave pressing and bulging technology to create a realistic tree trunk texture on paper. The design aims to urge people to protect the ecological environment and inherit the national.

Shangri La was awarded Silver in A' Packaging Design Award in 2021. The Silver A' Design Award is rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Pufine Creative
Image Credits: Pufine Creative
Project Team Members: Designer: wang yang; Creative Director: xia ling; Customer Service Director: Zhou Xiaoli,
Project Name: Shangri La
Project Client: Pufine Creative

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