Nostalgium: A Nostalgic Journey Through Persian-Inspired Jewelry

Saedeh Sorouri's Award-Winning Design Blends Tradition and Innovation

Unveiling 'Nostalgium', a unique jewelry piece by Saedeh Sorouri, inspired by the traditional Persian houses and their inherent beauty. The design, which won the Silver A' Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design Award in 2021, is a testament to the power of nostalgia and the enduring charm of Persian aesthetics.

The inspiration for 'Nostalgium' is deeply rooted in the old Persian houses, specifically the ubiquitous presence of Geraniums, a popular flower among Persian grandmothers. The design draws from the form of the courtyard pond, the window, and the eternal presence of Geraniums flowerpot, integral elements of traditional Persian architecture.

What sets 'Nostalgium' apart is its ability to evoke a sense of hope and the ephemeral nature of life's troubles. This idea is borrowed from a Persian poem and incorporated into the design, reminding the wearer of the cyclical nature of life, symbolized by the withering and flowering of a plant.

The making process of 'Nostalgium' is a nod to antiquity and the nobility of Persian houses. The 92.5 sterling silver is melted, rolled, sawed, and soldered to form the base of the piece. The leaf-shaped part of the design is made from art clay silver (fine silver) with 99.9 purity, added layer by layer and then cooked.

The design features two frames, the circular one representing the old courtyard pond in traditional Iranian architecture, and the square frame symbolizing the windows of old houses adorned with Geraniums. This work began in the middle of 2020 and was completed within the same year.

Based on psychoanalytic studies, anything that evokes a pleasant memory can lead to the secretion of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, reducing stress and anxiety. 'Nostalgium', with its inspiration from childhood nostalgia, offers the wearer more than just a decorative artifact; it provides a sense of comfort and positivity.

One of the challenges in creating 'Nostalgium' was transforming the Geraniums leaf into a lasting artifact that retains the softness and velvety texture of the leaf. After extensive research, the right silver material was found that could transform the soft leaf into a durable piece with a high-end texture.

'Nostalgium' is a combination of popular Persian nostalgies, reminding the wearer of joyful days filled with happiness when the courtyard pond and Geraniums flowerpots were integral elements of Persian Houses' architecture. This design is a testament to Saedeh Sorouri's ability to blend tradition and innovation, creating a piece that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally resonant.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Saedeh Sorouri
Image Credits: Saedeh Sorouri
Project Team Members: Saedeh Sorouri
Project Name: Nostalgium
Project Client: Saedeh Sorouri

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