Unleashing Potential Through Animation: A Design for Change

Mengchao Wu and Hao Li's Award-Winning Animation Promotes Internet Access for Girls

In an era where digital connectivity is a lifeline, Mengchao Wu and Hao Li have used their design prowess to create an animation that highlights the importance of internet access for girls in remote areas. This innovative project, titled "Promising Ideas Innovation", has been recognized with the prestigious Silver A' Design Award in 2021.

Wu and Li's animation was developed for Unicef and Generation United, with the aim of illustrating the disparity in internet access between boys and girls in developed and underdeveloped regions. The designers hoped that by transforming complex data into a visually engaging narrative, they could raise awareness and inspire action.

The animation process was divided into three stages: script development, design, and animation. The script was optimized to present a clear direction for the imagery, while the design phase involved creating characters, scenes, and props. The animation was then brought to life using advanced computer technology, allowing for the realization of ideas that would have been time-consuming in traditional animation.

One of the unique strengths of this project is its ability to transform dry, statistical data into a compelling story. The designers used a female character to represent the millions of girls facing the same challenges, effectively humanizing the issue. The use of symbolic graphics and objects further helped to convey the impact of the assistance provided by organizations like Unicef.

The project, which started in 2019 and was completed in 2020 in New York, faced several challenges. Converting large amounts of text into accessible animations and maintaining audience interest were among the main hurdles. However, through careful script optimization and thoughtful transitions, Wu and Li were able to create a seamless and engaging viewing experience.

In conclusion, "Promising Ideas Innovation" is a testament to the power of design and technology in addressing societal issues. By using animation to shed light on the digital divide, Mengchao Wu and Hao Li have created a powerful tool for change. Their project serves as a reminder that design and innovation can be harnessed to not only beautify our world but also to make it a better place for all.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hao Li
Image Credits: Image #1: creator Mengchao Wu& Hao Li, Promising Ideas Innovation, 2019. Image #2: creator Mengchao Wu& Hao Li, Promising Ideas Innovation, 2019. Image #3: creator Mengchao Wu& Hao Li, Promising Ideas Innovation, 2019. Image #4: creator Mengchao Wu& Hao Li, Promising Ideas Innovation, 2019. Video Credits: creator Mengchao Wu& Hao Li, Promising Ideas Innovation, 2019.
Project Team Members: Director: Hao Li Art Director: Mengchao Wu Designer: Mengchao Wu Animator: Hao Li
Project Name: Promising Ideas
Project Client: Hao Li

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