Commemorative Hands: A Captivating Series of Glass Sculptures

A Unique Blend of Art and Storytelling

The Commemorative Hands series, created by renowned designer Derya Geylani Vurusan, is a collection of contemporary glass sculptures that beautifully capture the essence of human experiences. Each sculpture tells a unique story, transformed into a surreal interpretation through the medium of glass.

The sculptures in the Commemorative Hands series are a testament to the power of art to convey emotions and narratives. Inspired by themes such as love, migration, longing, and separation, these sculptures explore the profound impact these experiences have on our lives. The series showcases the diverse shapes and forms of the human hand, symbolizing the universal nature of these themes.

What sets the Commemorative Hands series apart is its innovative use of glass as the primary material. The sculptures are predominantly made of semi-transparent colorless cast glass, which adds an ethereal quality to the artwork. To enhance the storytelling aspect, antique elements such as metal and wood are incorporated into the sculptures, adding depth and character to each piece.

The realization of these intricate sculptures involves the meticulous technique of kiln casting. The process begins with the creation of a wax model, which is then used to create a mold for the glass. The glass is poured into the mold, and the final shape is achieved through the hot glass shaping technique. Intricate carvings and writings are added to the glass to further enhance the storytelling aspect. The sculptures are then meticulously finished, with all glass parts cold worked and joined with metal elements using a special adhesive.

The technical specifications of the Commemorative Hands sculptures are a testament to the designer's expertise and attention to detail. Each sculpture is meticulously modeled using hand molds, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the artwork. The production process incorporates advanced glass forming techniques, combining academic knowledge and practical experience. Additionally, special care is taken in packaging the sculptures to ensure their safe transportation.

The Commemorative Hands series goes beyond being exhibited solely as sculptures. Its narrative and formal features make it a versatile artwork that can be integrated into various art and design disciplines. From collaborations with cinema and theater to textile projects, these sculptures have the potential to create unique and impactful experiences. They serve as a testament to the importance of creative thinking and the role of art in different sectors.

Commemorative Hands has been exhibited in various galleries and continues to be specially produced by the artist. The construction of these sculptures required extensive research and technical expertise. Glass, as a material, presents its own set of challenges, and the artist had to navigate its surprises to bring her vision to life. The most significant challenge was not only constructing the glass parts but also ensuring that all elements were securely held together, creating the desired movement and form.

The Commemorative Hands series is a testament to the power of art to evoke emotions and tell stories. Through the medium of glass, Derya Geylani Vurusan has created a collection of sculptures that resonate with audiences on a profound level. Each sculpture is a visual representation of the human experience, capturing moments of love, longing, and separation. With its unique blend of artistry and storytelling, the Commemorative Hands series stands as a remarkable achievement in contemporary glass sculpture.

Image Credits: Photographer Serhat Ozdemir, Commemorative Hands Series, 2016.

Awards and Accolades: The Commemorative Hands series was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design category in 2021. This prestigious award recognizes the exceptional design, practicality, and innovation of the sculptures, meeting professional and industrial standards. The Commemorative Hands series is celebrated for its integration of industry best practices and technical excellence, contributing to a better world through its artistic expression.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Derya Geylani Vuruşan
Image Credits: Photographer Serhat Ozdemir, Commemorative Hands Series, 2016.
Project Team Members: Derya Geylani Vuruşan
Project Name: Commemorative Hands
Project Client: Derya Geylani Vuruşan

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