The Swan: A Dynamic Stainless Steel Sculpture

Expressing the Beauty of a Swan through Parametric Design

The Swan is a stainless steel sculpture that showcases the beauty of a swan using a parametric design approach. With its dynamic form and fluid lines, this installation art sculpture captivates viewers and mimics the organic movement of a swan stretching its wings over the water.

The Swan, created by Kirin+Lab - Kirin Leung, is a masterpiece that stands out within the landscape of the Solaris clubhouse in Hong Kong. The sculpture's unique properties lie in its three-dimensional form and dynamic beauty. Utilizing 3D fabrication technology and stainless steel material, the artwork embodies the elegance and strength of a swan in motion.

Measuring 2800mmx2800mm, The Swan is a testament to the fusion of art, architecture, and technology. The sculpture's fluid massing is achieved through the meticulous process of 3D fabrication, resulting in a captivating visual experience. The polished metal surface and reflections from the surrounding environment further enhance the artwork's allure.

Creating The Swan presented several challenges for the design team. The structural design required careful calculations to ensure stability while minimizing the depth of the foundation. With an inclined form and minimal footing, the sculpture's support system had to be meticulously engineered. Additionally, the fabrication process involved unfolding individual building pieces from the radial rings, laser cutting them into flat surfaces, and then welding them back onto the ring. The final step involved hand-polishing each piece to achieve a mirror finish.

The Swan is not only a static sculpture but also an interactive art installation. As viewers walk past the full-height glass hallway, they can appreciate the sculpture's dynamic flow, mirroring the graceful movement of a swan on water. The engraved lines on the sculpture further emphasize its fluidity and add depth to the overall composition.

Commissioned by K. Wah Group, The Swan is a testament to the power of art in enhancing the built environment. It serves as a focal point within the clubhouse, captivating visitors with its beauty and evoking a sense of awe and wonder.

The Swan's recognition extends beyond its visual appeal. In 2021, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Fine Arts and Art Installation Design category. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, technical skill, and resourcefulness. The Swan's incorporation of best practices in art, science, design, and technology contributes to the improvement of quality of life, making it a true masterpiece.

With The Swan, Kirin+Lab - Kirin Leung has created a work of art that transcends boundaries and captures the essence of beauty and movement. This stainless steel sculpture is a testament to the power of design to inspire and evoke emotions, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter it.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: kirin+labs ltd
Image Credits: all image present by kirin+lab
Project Team Members: Kirin leung P Jai Ted Leung Xianhua Huang
Project Name: The Swan
Project Client: kirin+labs ltd

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